At the low-cost entry-level end of the spectrum, I'd presonally
recommend either the Logitech Wingman (non-FF), or the
Thrustmaster/Guillemot NASCAR Sprint (not the Charger -- the Sprint's
pedals are very nice, while the Charger lacks in the pedal department).
I've also heard some good things about the new Saitek (R200?) wheel, but
I haven't had any hands-on time with one myself.
Since you're in Australia, TSW is probably out for you, but that would
be my wheel of choice if you had a few dollars to spend and wanted
something that was smooth, accurate, and bulletproof.
-- JB
> Hi Andrew,
> It really depends how much money you want to spend on a wheel. The
> solid cheap wheel available I believe is still the Thrustmaster T2
> $100 in Australia). This wheel is extremely solid and will go for
years. I
> have just upgraded to Guillemot Ferrari Force Feedback from my T2
which I
> brought since Grand Prix 2 came out.
> With the T2 as it is so cheep there are a few things that break. The
> thing being the pedal springs. However these can be replaced and
> Thrustmaster in Oz will send you out the springs for free. The other
> annoyance with the T2 is the Potentiometer. This after awhile starts
> become dirty and doesn't respond very well. This is fixed however with
> dose of WD-40 which keeps the potentiometer clean.
> The best value force feedback wheel I believe is the Guillemot Ferrari
> Feedback Racing wheel. This is not because I have one but because for
> money $250 AUD it is $50 cheaper than the others plus has more
> Allan Harrison
> > Don't mean to start a big argument here, but I'd like some opinions
as to
> > what the best value for money wheel/pedal set is at the moment. I'm
> > looking to buy one for the first time (for PC, this is), and would
> > something of good quality that isn't going to break, and which is
good to
> > use, but not spend a fortune. I guess force feedback would be nice,
> > but I have absolutely no idea what effect this has on the cost,
since I
> > see very few of them here in Australia.
> > thanks,
> > Andrew
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Before you buy.