75+VAT with free delivery at the moment. Not a bad deal really..
I can recommend this wheel. It's probably not the 'best' from an
absolute purists point of view - but the combination of features,
useability and price makes it a very worthwhile buy if you are at all
into driving games.
The only note of caution I would sound is that the sudden round of
price decreases almost certainly herald the release of a 'new improved'
model. I have to say though that the only improvments worth much will
probably be USB connection. I was holding out for a USB version of this
wheel but the combination of price and that fact that I could have the
regular version NOW lead to me 'caving in'.
I don't regret it, gameport connection is quite reasonable,
especially considering all my other controllers are USB so I don't need
to keep swapping the port.
There can be only one.............
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