NRO Rating System Proposal


NRO Rating System Proposal

by WalkWal » Wed, 01 Oct 1997 04:00:00

Wouldn't it be helpful to have Don Wilshe's Faslap converted so that everyone
 could have say ten laps at each track and have it record best lap. Then take
 an average of all track speeds to give you one average racer index number. It
 would be very helpful for determining the best classes to run with on NRO.
 What do you think?
-/- BW


NRO Rating System Proposal

by Handy^Ma » Wed, 01 Oct 1997 04:00:00

> Wouldn't it be helpful to have Don Wilshe's Faslap converted so that everyone
>  could have say ten laps at each track and have it record best lap. Then take
>  an average of all track speeds to give you one average racer index number. It
>  would be very helpful for determining the best classes to run with on NRO.
>  What do you think?
> -/- BW

well, it wouldnt give an accurate reflection of who can race in traffic,
but IMHO, neither do the Hawaii skill ratings... some of us came to
Hawaii VERY late in the game, and are still working on setups, to be
competitive... it's *** the ego to run the same line as everyone
else, and lose a second a lap, not to mention that there's hardly any 0
to 2 skill levels on anymore. I hate to race with the much higher
skills, for fear of getting in their way, and wrecking them, and getting
a bad name, and all that jazz...  and it also hurts, when you enter a 15
player race, and finish 4th out of 5 cars remaining, because the
so-called hotshots took each other out, yet you receive no points for
the drivers you finish ahead of, because they were all "high skill"

I'd vote for your Idea... at least it's based on N2, and not N1  :)

Sit down,Strap in,Shut up,Hang on,Go fast,Turn left,,,Kiss Trophy Girl
GGGGGGgoooo #3,,,31,,,28,,,94,,,6,,,5,,,18,,,8,,,

Don Burnett

NRO Rating System Proposal

by Don Burnett » Wed, 01 Oct 1997 04:00:00

Hang in there Handyman, your getting some of the best practice available. I
certainly understand the frustrations of not running with folks in your own
skill level, running with the higher ups will do nothing but help you in
your progression. Very valuable experience for when the Nros does start,
plus you'll have a head start on a lot of others and will most likely move
up in skill level fairly rapidly!
Don Burnette

Brian Motisk

NRO Rating System Proposal

by Brian Motisk » Wed, 01 Oct 1997 04:00:00

no because why rank people on 10 laps.  im looking at races of 50% or more not 10

> Wouldn't it be helpful to have Don Wilshe's Faslap converted so that everyone
>  could have say ten laps at each track and have it record best lap. Then take
>  an average of all track speeds to give you one average racer index number. It
>  would be very helpful for determining the best classes to run with on NRO.
>  What do you think?
> -/- BW


NRO Rating System Proposal

by ARCA BOB » Thu, 02 Oct 1997 04:00:00

Speed does not always equate to competency. Sure, being fast helps a great deal
 because we all know that the better you qualify the more likely you are to
 avoid the early-race wrecks caused by overeager rookies and people who believe
 that you have to win on the first lap.  In the longer races that I believe we
 will see in the NROS environment (after all, it won't be costing us our
 firstborn like Hawaii is) the emphasis will be on strategy...saving the tires,
 tweaking the setup, not making a foolish pass attempt on lap 2.....Just
 because Joe Schmoe can turn a 168 at Darlington whereas I can only turn a 165
 does not make him a better only makes him faster. It's not where
 you's where you finish...and if you have the other drivers
 respect, you usually WILL finish.


NRO Rating System Proposal

by WalkWal » Thu, 02 Oct 1997 04:00:00

I totally agree. I for one know that I have run in races on Hawaii where I was
 definitely the slowest and I have finished in front of people who don't belive
 the old addage "In order to finish first, you must first finish". I'm not even
 talking about bonzai laps per se. What I am saying is that some folks out
 there (I wish I was one) have lots more time to devote to race setups,
 testing, and practicing. These guys will be (and are) much faster in these
 practice laps. Others, like myself, don't have more than an hour a day at most
 to practice and work on setups. Again, this will show in a ten-lap composite
 of laps.

For example, I recently ran in a race at Loudon with 14 others. The top qual
 speed was 130. My best was 121. I got lapped after 4 laps. I was able to keep
 it clean the whole way and came home 12th, but let's face it, that's not the
 best way to run. OK, maybe one could make the argument that with more practice
 I could gain those aditional 9mph I needed to be competitive. However, I feel
 quite sure that the advent of the NROS will bring people from all over to race
 and many will be like me. A little slow. That brings us back to Faslap. With a
 tool that creates a relative index, it would be much easier to find a group of
 guys all within 1 mph of your indexed time. That WILL create parity much like
 we see in the real Winston Cup division. And parity goes a long way towards
 creating tight competitive racing (which I believe is still the goal here).
 And if you don't want to go buy this index, so be it. Run all the pickup races
 you wish. I'm not suggesting this be the official NROS ranking system, just a
 tool to corral the herds.

John Walla

NRO Rating System Proposal

by John Walla » Fri, 03 Oct 1997 04:00:00

One thing though - he is _definitely_ faster, but you don't
necessarily know that you are a better racer. If he's faster, that's
an advantage. If he starts closer to the front, that's another
advantage. These pretty soon add up.

I take your point, smooth and strategic driving will play a greater
part than hurling the car round a hotlap, but since oval hotlaps come
from smoothness and precise lines I'm sure the driving skills of
hotlappers are already pretty good. Setup is also crucial for hotlaps
and it takes only an adjustment of mindset to look at speed/wear/heat
instead of just pure one lap speed.

I'd reckon the hotlappers will be up at the front when racing - I've
never yet seen one that wasn't. Remember that they will turn hundreds
if not thousands of laps in search of a hotlap - that equates to a
looooot of practice.

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