I'm not if this info has been posted before but here goes:
Disclaimer: This info is copy-paste'd from Chris Salmon's
web page (Thanks Chris!!) at
--- Begin insert ---
It is not definate as to which graphic chipset will be the best
for the sim., if any. It will, however, make us of rendition!
(Go Verite!!)
There will be a car color scheme editor along with a helmet editor
included with sim. Plus, there may be am optional one later!
They are aiming to have EVERY graphics file editable!
320*640 (panaramic) graphical display will be an option! - There
are many different graphical options included
Don't worry if you haven't got a 3-d video card because a VRAM card
will perform just as good!
Unlike GP2, a P166 will run every graphic option smoothly!
--- end insert ---
Henrikki (Hena) Hakkanen Tel. +358-(9)0-345 5538
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are mine and do not
necessarily reflect those of my employer