OT - Monza and The Race of Two Worlds

don hodgdo

OT - Monza and The Race of Two Worlds

by don hodgdo » Mon, 15 Nov 1999 04:00:00

The IMS site has a story on it's site;about the
Race of Two Worlds, held in the late 50s at Monza, it was supposed to be a
meeting of the best of European and American racing. I sent the link to a
friend and got this back. I thought you might like his description of riding
around the banking.

"I was there in 57,  Interesting, fairly well recieved, but was apples and
oranges and didn't prove much, except that people could get along and enjoy
their common love of the sport, even if, from a different prospective.
Traded a pair of Levis and some Wiend T shirts, to Luige  Villoresi for his
goggles. At that time the Levis were worth much more in Europe than the
goggles, but I treasured them then and of course, today.  He gave me a ride
around the banked curve, in a Fiat 1100 sedan.  There was a yellow line
about 1/3rd of the way up the banking and you had to be able to travel at
least 130 kilometers per hour to keep from sliding off or toppling.  He
drove along the line flat out (it wouldn't go any faster than 115 to 120)
dive for the bottom and then zoom to the top , totter along for an instant,
three or four times to get around the curve, come  back and do it again.
This was after lunch and with some local wine to help it along......Things
have changed, not all for the better.....CJ"


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