The local media will be writing an article about Internet racing. They
are also interested in attending the LAN event should we hold one. I have a
building in mind however there are no attractions near by. There is a new
Water park under construction 6 miles away and is expected to be open this
summer. Being Whine country, There are a number of wineries with tours.
and there are a couple other smaller attractions with in a 30 minute drive.
I'll be getting prices on renting this building shortly. What I *need*
to know is how many would absolutely attend so that I have an idea if it is
worth it or not. Second, Because we would have to rent the place, there
may be a cover charge.
Next, I don't have the equipment for the LAN. All I could provide is
the location and my computer system. So, I would need someone to donate the
use of Cables, Hubs, and even a server. Last, It would be a great help if
we had someone attend that has large LAN racing experience. Someone who can
pass along their experience with tips and tricks and what not. If I get all
of this there will be a LAN event here in western NY. about 30 minutes
south of Rochester, NY just off the expressway.
If I can at the very least get enough people committed to joining in on
this event, I will be hitting the computer stores, and other odd places to
help out with the equipment and hopefully prizes of some sort. I just need
to know how many would attend with out a doubt in order to see if it is
worth the effort.
Please email me directly with a "yes, I *Will* Definitely attend"
and/or "I *might* attend". et..