Learn to left foot brake and then to trailbrake...getting it right is what
it's all about. It feels so good when you have your car just on the edge of
adhesion, all four tires drifting through the apex, balancing it with
throttle and brake, it's the same feeling you get when you smack a home run
off a high fastball or catch the first wave of the morning. The same sense
of satisfaction as when you launch a long straight drive on the first hole,
hell, the way I golf, any hole!
You can't hammer on the brakes in these cars, at least I can't. Establish
your braking points and stick to them for a while, until you can run
consistant laps without spinning off. Get on the brakes EASY, but firmly. A
little squeel is ok, a lot of squeel, smoke and the ability to read Goodyear
on your front tires under braking is BAD!<g>
The biggest improvement I've made to my rig was to ditch the Logitech
pedals, but I was fortunate enough to have a set of CH pedals to use. Try
the racquetball fix mentioned in a post above, it seems to have worked for a
lot of folks here.
Stick to it...it's so worth it.
"Getting hit by a meteorite is an accident...
everything else is driver-error."