Stuck in the middle blues

don hodgdo

Stuck in the middle blues

by don hodgdo » Wed, 10 May 2000 04:00:00



Learn to left foot brake and then to trailbrake...getting it right is what
it's all about. It feels so good when you have your car just on the edge of
adhesion, all four tires drifting through the apex, balancing it with
throttle and brake, it's the same feeling you get when you smack a home run
off a high fastball or catch the first wave of the morning. The same sense
of satisfaction as when you launch a long straight drive on the first hole,
hell, the way I golf, any hole!

You can't hammer on the brakes in these cars, at least I can't. Establish
your braking points and stick to them for a while, until you can run
consistant laps without spinning off. Get on the brakes EASY, but firmly. A
little squeel is ok, a lot of squeel, smoke and the ability to read Goodyear
on your front tires under braking is BAD!<g>

The biggest improvement I've made to my rig was to ditch the Logitech
pedals, but I was fortunate enough to have a set of CH pedals to use. Try
the racquetball fix mentioned in a post above, it seems to have worked for a
lot of folks here.

Stick to's so worth it.

"Getting hit by a meteorite is an accident...
  everything else is driver-error."


Stuck in the middle blues

by hanse.. » Thu, 11 May 2000 04:00:00

I am frustrated.  I've started getting back into GPL and just can't
seem to keep my front wheels ahead of my rear ones (well, if i try to
get even mildly decent laptimes anyway). I read somewhere learning to
drive this game is like learning to play the violin. I really like GPL
but if it is going to take a couple years of *** practice I think
I'd rather know how to play the violin :-) The problem is compounded
by the fact that every time I play another racing game it doesn't feel
right (N3, nfs4) and I go back to GPL.  I don't left foot brake (too
many years of habit to overcome). Could this be the problem. In fact,
my braking style is to lock em up and release while hitting the corner
and then balancing on the throttle through the turn. Problem with that
is I think I'm probably losing grip when i lift (as opposed to
braking). Is this true? I've hit a couple random 1:30.xx's at monza
but 1:32 is far more likely. I'm using LWFF wheel and pedals. Any
suggestions appreciated. I mostly drive the brab and the lotus. i've
tried the ferrari my steering always gets messed up when i use it (go
figure, my wheel keeps pointing just a touch left). I found the Honda
impossible. Thanks.

Stuck in the middle blues

by Target » Thu, 11 May 2000 04:00:00

That's pretty much what I do.  I find it hard with my LWFF pedals to not lock
up the brakes.
Racer X
Veteran Sim Racer
#4 Corvette C5-R in the GTIC
#24 Monte Carlo in the DORL
Victory Lane-
Simon Brow

Stuck in the middle blues

by Simon Brow » Thu, 11 May 2000 04:00:00

Well, you will always struggle not to lock brakes with the LWFF pedals.
They aren't really up to the job.  I bought a Precision Racing Wheel and use
the pedals from that with my LWFF.  Make sure you drive in socks and not
with shoes on.  Also there's nothing wrong with 1:30 at Monza.  It's more
important to be able to lap consistently and without crashing, than to be
able to stick in a really quick lap.
Try switching to the Ferrari or Eagle, which are more forgiving than the
Lotus.  And try to get a more rounded experience of the whole game, so learn
new tracks, have plenty of races and try all the different cars.  Also try
the game on-line on Vroc, and you'll see there's plenty of other people
lapping 1:30-1:32 at Monza.
Speedy Fas

Stuck in the middle blues

by Speedy Fas » Thu, 11 May 2000 04:00:00

Get a racketball ball.  Cut a 1/4 of it off.  Open up your pedal unit.
Put the spring inside the racketball ball and reassemble the unit.
Test using Win32 game controllers.

Andre Warrin

Stuck in the middle blues

by Andre Warrin » Thu, 11 May 2000 04:00:00

On Wed, 10 May 2000 02:24:26 GMT, Speedy Fast

>Get a racketball ball.  Cut a 1/4 of it off.  Open up your pedal unit.
>Put the spring inside the racketball ball and reassemble the unit.
>Test using Win32 game controllers.

Hey... I never read this one before, and it sounds like a great idea.
Actually I use the ch pedals for GPL, but for more arcade oriented
racing games, where precise braking is not so much required as in GPL,
I still prefer the LWFF pedals. Shorter range, less tiring for my


Don Scurlo

Stuck in the middle blues

by Don Scurlo » Fri, 12 May 2000 04:00:00

This is normal, it's a good sign.

Yes it's a problem. Just start left foot braking and don't stop, it
will come.

Trailing throttle oversteer happens in a BIG way in gpl. I often get in
trouble by lifting to much. Use it, it steers the car a LOT.

For easier driving try the Cooper. Any of the other cars are easier
than the Lotus or Brabam, they are the hardest.

Don Scurlock
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