If you apply that to finished wood floors it will completely take off
the finish when you remove it. The Velcro that is sold in hardware and
hobby shops is a bit less sticky, but will come off without any damage
to floors.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Derek
> If you apply that to finished wood floors it will completely take off
> the finish when you remove it. The Velcro that is sold in hardware and
> hobby shops is a bit less sticky, but will come off without any damage
> to floors.
> Ed
What I did was, take a piece of plywood big enough for the pedals and long
enough to reach the wall... Then simply put 4 screws 'around' (yeah I could
have drilled holes etc but I didnt, just put the screws 2 along the side, at
behind the base. This worked great to keep the pedals the right distance
from the wall under my desk. BTW, this worked on carpet too. now if your
desk aint near a wall??? I would think your velcro idea would be good too.
DerekBaker enlightened us with:
>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> Derek
>> If you apply that to finished wood floors it will completely take off
>> the finish when you remove it. The Velcro that is sold in hardware
>> and hobby shops is a bit less sticky, but will come off without any
>> damage to floors.
>> Ed
> No finish here. More interested in security than ease of removal.
> --
> Derek