1) Tell them they are morons.. GPL is shipping in the next three weeks
(possibly week and a half if things don't change)...
2) Insist that GPL is in their computers. When they tell you "Sorry Sir, but
I can tell you that it ISN'T .. I just checked again..", you can tell them
(once again) they are clueless (see point #1)
3) Tell them to try a lookup for "SS: Grand Prix Legends" - the SS is for
SierraSports - at which point the clerk will surely say "Oh.. yeah....
Sierra's putting all their games under that now.. I forgot (but they will
offer NO apologies). At which point, two seconds later, they will see on
their screens the following (or something very similar):
Please note: the "availability date" is the SHIPPING DATE..
E.B. (and other stores) will not receive the game for 1-3 days after this
date.. (count on it being 2 days later.. so Friday, October 2nd it should be
in the stores - as long as the shipping date is not changed - this info was
correct AFAIK as of 09.25.98).
That's all there is to it..
Oh.. I forgot the last point:
4) Laugh, tell them "I told you so!", thank them for the info, and walk out
of the store uttering what a complete bunch of jackasses they are.
5) Laugh some more!
I've done this in THREE (yes.. "3") E.B. stores .. and every time
encountered the same thing you heard "It's not in our computers"..
Just follow my five easy steps, and the answer is yours!!
Good luck!
For the GPL track files, FAQs (I've got them!), installation help, release
date updates, PC GAMER preview pics, and more!
This week's Poll-of-the-Week: Did you, or didn't you download the WAREZ GPL?