> I was just looking at a page for the Nascar Silicon Motor Speedway
> simulator (http://www.smsonline.com/mainframe.htm) and thought WOW! I
> could do this on a smaller scale (without motion platforms) using N2 or
> any game that supports IPX on the PC, and make millions! But wait - can
> you charge people to play your software? I don't know. Anyways it sounds
> like it could be alot of fun and a money maker.
There are two storefront businesses in the Seattle, WA area that
provide fancy computer setups to allow customers to play
normal released video games with strong multiplayer elements
on fast computers, networks, 31 inch screens, nifty chairs and sound
systems, intercoms between "cockpits", etc. Scripted "missions", etc.
The idea is sort of "Get the guys from the office and lets go to the
'Digital Theater'". It's an interesting idea, and I enjoy playing
there occasionally with the good folks from The Other Side (TOS) and
The Continuum, so I hope the format does well.
TOS I believe is just starting to feature multi-player racing games.
It's my impression that racing games haven't quite reached the
sophistication in the multiplayer area that flight simulators
(for instance) have enjoyed for some time, but hopefully this
will continue to improve and TOS will find more titles suitable
for their format in this genre.
- Matt