My name is Andrew White, member of the local Indianapolis band, 6 Mile
Creek. Being stuck in Indiana with really the only way to help those in
need is being able to donate ***, we, the members of 6 Mile Creek, want to
make a contribution of another sort. Earlier this morning, we finished
recording a song in dedication to those who have been victims of the
terrible tragedy at the World Trade Center. I hope that you at least pass
it on to someone who may appreciate it. People may download their own copy
of this song from our web site, We expect nothing from
anyone for this song other than that people are allowed to listen to what we
feel is our way to help out in this time of crisis.
We would also like to volunteer our services for a benefit concert of some
sort later on down the road.
The URL the the song is
Thank you for your time.
May God be with you and all those in need at this time. Amen.
Andrew A. White
MCP 2000, N+, CNE