the website and choose GPL hotlaps/setups link.
I was just glancing through the Top10 lists and there was a noticeable
absence of North American drivers on the lists. I do understand that many
sim drivers prefer ovals or later model cars in general so this may be the
reason for the lack of North-American drivers participating in the GPL
hotlaps. Not a straighforward competition of course but still a very popular
thing among sim drivers and related web sites.
Well, now that the good folks at the Pits, have released a
converter for certain ICR2 and Nascar2 tracks to be used with GPL I am sure
we'll see a lot more North-American drivers participating in sending in
hotlaps for the available oval tracks. Our web team got the pages up and
running and there are already times posted by Jure Zagoricnik of Team BHMS
to get the show started. Let's see if the balance will be a little more even
or maybe it will tilted towards the oval specialists!
With friendly greetings to all sim drivers I hope you'll all participate and
start preparing for the launch of Nascar3 hopefully later this year.
On behalf of Team BHMS,
Pekka Heino