> > Talladega is gonna ruin our youth !!! Teach your kids at an early
> > age..There's more to life than Talladega.... This means You !! You know
> <snip>
> I can see it now...
> Standing in front of a large room of other ***s at a TA (Talladega
> Anonymous meeting)
> "Hhhhhhelllo. M-m-m-my name is m-m-m-Mike. And I'm ***ed to
> Talladega"
> :-)
> MikeDon't laugh at it. If you knew what I spend every month just to race Tally, and compare that to what the
average person would have to spend to get ***ed to "other vices", one could reach the logical conclusion
the racing at Tally truley is an ***ion for people like me. It should be treated as such. Treatment would
include a 12 step program to be covered under indemity insurance. Friends and family of the ***ed should
yield to the bad effects of withdrawal from racing Tally as well as learn to recognize the symptoms for early
After racing Tally for 8-10 hours on Fridays, then take a drive on the highway, I find myself swerving
from one lane to the next, trying to avoid slower drivers, yelling "Damn Backmarkers!!!". No really, It takes
a while to come down from a Tally high. It's dangerous at least. I must constantly remind myself that this
is real driving, don't pull anything that might get you shot. I live in the Dallas (near Texas)BTW. I
addition, I'm starting to see health related problems surface such as my injured right wrist caused from the
constant gripping of the steering wheel. Personal injury lawyers and health professionals call this a
repetitive motion disorder.
I could go on and on. The bottom line is, this will be one of the few vices where you will be able to
make money at it. I couldn't have always wanted to be a pro Tally racer for obvious reasons. But now I do
and I'm proud of it. I just don't know yet how I'll ever negate the damages done to my relationships with
family, friends, and colleagues. Not to mention the anti-social tendencies my personality has taken on since
the onslaught of the ***ion.
Thanks for your time.
Hawaii: Cole
"If you don't like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk"