I've finally managed to get my weight transfer fixed for anti-pitch
and anti-roll (or high roll centers) I think. Hehe, yes a basic
requirement actually, but well. :)
And ofcourse, a new problem crept in; the car could become unstable,
it jitters left/right quite ***ly at times, as if something like
this happens (at low speed, at higher speeds things are better):
- a small lateral force spike occurs
- the car gets a torque, weight transfer and weight shifts to the
other side
- the a larger lateral force is generated in return
- larger torque to the other side
In other words, a kind of blowup which doesn't settle down by itself.
I didn't use the SAE950311 lateral relaxation length approach (since I
had trouble with that), but to find the problem I reintroduced it.
Small summary of lateral relaxation length to fight slipangle
jittering at low speed: instead of calculating slipangle (SA) directly
from wheel velocities, you make it a state variable. You vary it
according to the wheel spinning velocity:
tan(SA)dt - u/b*tan(SA) = v/b
where u=wheel longitudinal speed, v=lateral speed, b=relaxation length
(say 0.91).
Ok, so I tested it again by throwing the car sideways. The car stops,
then swings BACK again! Like a spring. Here's what I think happens:
- v is large, the car goes laterally with great speed
- u is 0, it doesn't move forward
- from the above formula, it reduces to tan(SA)dt=v/b. This means
tan(SA) will constantly go up. This is ok, since SA then goes
progressively to 180 degrees (as tan(SA) approaches infinite).
- Fy (lateral tire forces) are generated to stop the car going
sideways, assume Fy>0 for this direction.
- The car stops., SA is still 180 and forces are still generated, so
the car starts going the other way.
- v begins small, so tan(SA) doesn't go down that quickly at the
start, and Fy stays well >0.
- only as the car builds speed into the other direction, v becomes
higher and gains the 'power' to reduce tan(SA). In the mean time, the
car has gained seriously notable speed. In fact, if the car was thrown
sideways for 5 meters, it will 'bounce' back just about the same 5
I think Petri once, a long time ago, suggested capping tan(SA). I
believe that was 20 or something which worked for him. But given the
above, I fail to see how tan(SA) could become 0 quickly so that SA
becomes 0, and the lateral forces cease.
In other words, I don't see how the car would be able to stop without
bouncing back more than just a little bit (which is to be expected
with this differential SA approach).
A lowspeed hack like reducing tan(SA) more quickly if u/v are both
close to 0 seems like a paradox, since SAE950311 was designed to work
for low-speed situations. ;-)
Anybody with any experiences with this?
Ruud van Gaal
Free car sim: http://www.racesimcentral.net/
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