new wheel every year? Once every two years? Three? Is it possible to have a
wheel for 1 years, without having to fiddle around with pods and so on?
I got a Thrustmaster Grandprix 1. I like it. After 5 or 6 months I got
troubles with it. Cleaning the pods helped. But I had to do that more and
more. Now I can't get the wheel right anymore: after turning left it pulls
right automatically for a short while, but long enough to damage my Nascar 3
car against the wall. I'm no good at repairing these things, so I'm thinking
about buying (actually, I HAVE to buy) a new wheel. Force feedback sounds
great, BUT... how long do they stay in shape?!? I really don't want to buy a
expensive FF wheel only for a year!!! First of all, I haven't got that much
money. (Maybe I'd rather buy a new cheap wheel every year.) And secondly:
you get used to a wheel. After a year most models have changed, so you have
to get used to one again. So: how long do you all play a wheel? How often do
you buy a new one?