One word of caution. Unless this error has been fixed in manufacturing (and
it hadn't the last I heard) the FPS2000 and DD2500 come with the wrong
adapter and will not work digitally with the new SBLive cards. It has the
old style breakout panel that mounted in un-used expansion slot in the back
of the computer.
The new cards require a 4-pole 1/8" mini-jack to DIN-7 adapter which is a
proprietary part (nothing else on the planet uses it that I know of) and at
last contact Creative _still_ did not have them.
> The only difference between the SBLive and the SBLive Value is an I/O card
> included with the full version. You'll only need this card if you want to
> digitally record stuff or if you want to connect the FPS2000 or DTT5.1
> digital speaker sets.
> You don't want to record digitally, because you want to play games, you
> The fun part about the digital speaker sets is that the Live Value has
> discontinued. It has been replaced by the SBLive XGamer and the SBLive
> Both are the same cards and almost the same as the SBLive Value. The only
> real difference is that they support the digital out connection for the
> digital speaker sets.
> So, the conclusion:
> If you want to play games, go for the SBLive XGamer or MP3 (if they're not
> yet available where you live, wait some weeks and they'll be).
> About the speakers: you don't need Creative's speakers for 3D sound.
> However, for true 3D sound, you WILL need four speakers. Two speaker
> in enough. It's best if all four speakers are the same.
> If you want truly amazing sound, go for Creative's FPS2000. The set
> of 4 small speakers and a very impressive subwoofer. The sound is VERY
> Happy racing!
> One last warning: the SBLive series of cards are really meant to be used
> Windows. They're not really DOS-compatible. Your SB16 is, however, so be
> sure to keep it in your PC! I have an AWE32 and a Live Value, using the
> AWE32 for Nascar 2 and Cart in DOS and the Live for GPL (and soon
> Works perfect!
> --
> Joeri J. Cox
> Thrustmaster T2 Upgrade Page -
> (Please remove NOSPAM from my e-mail address to reply)
> >Hello
> >this is my Comp:
> >P2 400
> >128 Mb
> >Voodoo3 3000
> >SB16
> >Speakers with Subwoofer
> >as you can see, I ve a SB16 card, and Im looking for a new one, Im
> >SB Live and SB Live Value. Any differences ?
> >I mostly play Nascar3, GPL and Age Of Empires :)
> >Wich card should I buy ?
> >Can I use any kind of speakers for 3D effects or should I buy Creatives ?
> >ve some speakers eating dust and want to use them ...
> >thanks
> >McKafre