Sound question


Sound question

by McKafr » Fri, 15 Oct 1999 04:00:00


this is my Comp:

P2 400
128 Mb
Voodoo3 3000
Speakers with Subwoofer

as you can see, I ve a SB16 card, and Im looking for a new one, Im between
SB Live and SB Live Value. Any differences ?

I mostly play Nascar3, GPL and Age Of Empires :)

Wich card should I buy ?

Can I use any kind of speakers for 3D effects or should I buy Creatives ? I
ve some speakers eating dust and want to use them ...



Peter Prochazk

Sound question

by Peter Prochazk » Fri, 15 Oct 1999 04:00:00

If you only want the soundcard for ***, go for the SBLive Value. AFAIK,
the SBLive has some gadges like digital I/O and stuff, which might only be
necessary, if you'd want to record/compose music on your Comp. The things
you need for *** are all included in the Value and it's much cheaper.

I'd try the old ones first, maybe they've eaten not too much dust :-). BTW,
GPL doesn't support 3D sound, so don't be disappointed.

Vienna, Austria

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Joeri Co

Sound question

by Joeri Co » Sat, 16 Oct 1999 04:00:00

The only difference between the SBLive and the SBLive Value is an I/O card
included with the full version. You'll only need this card if you want to
digitally record stuff or if you want to connect the FPS2000 or DTT5.1
digital speaker sets.
You don't want to record digitally, because you want to play games, you say.

The fun part about the digital speaker sets is that the Live Value has been
discontinued. It has been replaced by the SBLive XGamer and the SBLive MP3.
Both are the same cards and almost the same as the SBLive Value. The only
real difference is that they support the digital out connection for the
digital speaker sets.

So, the conclusion:
If you want to play games, go for the SBLive XGamer or MP3 (if they're not
yet available where you live, wait some weeks and they'll be).

About the speakers: you don't need Creative's speakers for 3D sound.
However, for true 3D sound, you WILL need four speakers. Two speaker systems
in enough. It's best if all four speakers are the same.
If you want truly amazing sound, go for Creative's FPS2000. The set consists
of 4 small speakers and a very impressive subwoofer. The sound is VERY good.

Happy racing!

One last warning: the SBLive series of cards are really meant to be used in
Windows. They're not really DOS-compatible. Your SB16 is, however, so be
sure to keep it in your PC! I have an AWE32 and a Live Value, using the
AWE32 for Nascar 2 and Cart in DOS and the Live for GPL (and soon Nascar3).
Works perfect!
Joeri J. Cox

Thrustmaster T2 Upgrade Page -
(Please remove NOSPAM from my e-mail address to reply)


Sound question

by Larr » Thu, 11 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Those cards are discontinued (but possibly still available).  The new
choices are:

1.  The Live! XGamer
2.  The Live! MP3
3.  The Live! 1024 Platinum.

They are the SAME exact card and all come with LiveWare 3.

The differences are:

1.  XGamer - Comes with a (very good) Game Bundle.
2.  MP3      - Comes with MP3 software that can be downloaded anyway
3.  1024      - Comes with the LiveDrive panel standard.

The XGamer and MP3 retail for $99.  The 1024 Platinum is around $200.

I do not know what software comes with the Platinum.

Personally, I think the XGamer is the best value.  The included games
(Thief - The Dark Project, Descent 3 and one other I forget are worth more
than the price of the card itself).



Sound question

by Larr » Thu, 11 Nov 1999 04:00:00

One word of caution.  Unless this error has been fixed in manufacturing (and
it hadn't the last I heard) the FPS2000 and DD2500 come with the wrong
adapter and will not work digitally with the new SBLive cards.  It has the
old style breakout panel that mounted in un-used expansion slot in the back
of the computer.

The new cards require a 4-pole 1/8" mini-jack to DIN-7 adapter which is a
proprietary part (nothing else on the planet uses it that I know of) and at
last contact Creative _still_ did not have them.


> The only difference between the SBLive and the SBLive Value is an I/O card
> included with the full version. You'll only need this card if you want to
> digitally record stuff or if you want to connect the FPS2000 or DTT5.1
> digital speaker sets.
> You don't want to record digitally, because you want to play games, you

> The fun part about the digital speaker sets is that the Live Value has
> discontinued. It has been replaced by the SBLive XGamer and the SBLive
> Both are the same cards and almost the same as the SBLive Value. The only
> real difference is that they support the digital out connection for the
> digital speaker sets.

> So, the conclusion:
> If you want to play games, go for the SBLive XGamer or MP3 (if they're not
> yet available where you live, wait some weeks and they'll be).

> About the speakers: you don't need Creative's speakers for 3D sound.
> However, for true 3D sound, you WILL need four speakers. Two speaker
> in enough. It's best if all four speakers are the same.
> If you want truly amazing sound, go for Creative's FPS2000. The set
> of 4 small speakers and a very impressive subwoofer. The sound is VERY

> Happy racing!

> One last warning: the SBLive series of cards are really meant to be used
> Windows. They're not really DOS-compatible. Your SB16 is, however, so be
> sure to keep it in your PC! I have an AWE32 and a Live Value, using the
> AWE32 for Nascar 2 and Cart in DOS and the Live for GPL (and soon
> Works perfect!
> --
> Joeri J. Cox

> Thrustmaster T2 Upgrade Page -
> (Please remove NOSPAM from my e-mail address to reply)

> >Hello

> >this is my Comp:

> >P2 400
> >128 Mb
> >Voodoo3 3000
> >SB16
> >Speakers with Subwoofer

> >as you can see, I ve a SB16 card, and Im looking for a new one, Im
> >SB Live and SB Live Value. Any differences ?

> >I mostly play Nascar3, GPL and Age Of Empires :)

> >Wich card should I buy ?

> >Can I use any kind of speakers for 3D effects or should I buy Creatives ?
> >ve some speakers eating dust and want to use them ...

> >thanks

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