Is there any way to block the trash that has been showing up in this NG as
of late. I used to enjoy comeing here to read all about the different
sims especially the Nascar1 & 2 questions and answers. It seems lately
there are as many if not more postings about "the psychic hotline...",
"sex hotline..." and now the most blatant-- "hot young <fill in the blank>
girls. jpg". I am not a computer genuis I guess this is what is known as
spaming? Can the newsgroup as a whole or if there is a person who runs it
do any thing about it? Maybe we should spam these senders back with
nothing but thousands of racing dialog :) for days on end. Naw, two
wrongs don't make a right...well not ussually.
Oh well, I through venting now. back to racing. Or for some of
Have a good day fellow racer's and remember.. no matter if you "turn left
go fast" or "turn and burn any way you can" the first one across the
finish line wins!
Sim racer's unite-- end the ***!!!
R. Faust
R. Faust
aka Xducer