


by Cane » Tue, 15 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have a P200mmx. What is the maximum I could safely overclock it to?

I have a Cyrix 6X86 Heatsink and fan, so keeping it cool is not a problem.


David Cane



by Dave » Tue, 15 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Check out and go to the overclocking section.
This should answer all of your questions.
I had a 166MMX that went up to 290Mhz without a problem. It even stayed
pretty cool.
From what I have heard, the 166MMX and 200 MMX are the two best chips to



>I have a P200mmx. What is the maximum I could safely overclock it to?

>I have a Cyrix 6X86 Heatsink and fan, so keeping it cool is not a problem.


>David Cane



by dschw » Tue, 15 Sep 1998 04:00:00

You should be able to run it at 233 (66 bus x 3.5 multiplier) and be
pretty stable.  I wouldn't push it much further than this.  Depending
on what bus speeds your motherboard supports, you might also get
pretty good results with a 225 configuration (75 bus x 3 multiplier).

>I have a P200mmx. What is the maximum I could safely overclock it to?

>I have a Cyrix 6X86 Heatsink and fan, so keeping it cool is not a problem.


>David Cane



by bmo.. » Wed, 16 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>I have a P200mmx. What is the maximum I could safely overclock it to?

>I have a Cyrix 6X86 Heatsink and fan, so keeping it cool is not a problem.


>David Cane

Like some of the other posts, I have to say it depends on your
equipment.  I upgraded to a 200mmx chip, but put it on an Asus TX-97
motherboard which will run a bus of up to 83.7mhz.  Then, I added
64meg of SDRAM.  I put the fan on you are talking about, but then
added two additional fans, since cooling is so important.  Once we got
everything installed and started overclocking, the benchmark my friend
and I used to check performance was run off the scale at 256mhz (when
I boot up it does say 250mhz).  But before going any farther, remember
that most benchmarks are full of sh*t, so I wouldn't put all my faith
in what they say.  But between my new motherboard, chip, ram, and the
24x Creative Labs CD rom, my system pretty much has run very well,
with no problems, and all the while, a TON faster than the non MMX 166
with a different mother board I was running before at an overclocked




by Cane » Wed, 16 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Where did you put these ohter 2 fans????
On top of the CPU or in the case



by bmo.. » Fri, 18 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>>I put the fan on you are talking about, but then
>>added two additional fans, since cooling is so important.

>Where did you put these ohter 2 fans????
>On top of the CPU or in the case

Since the motherboard is an ATX style of board, (socket is moved due
to old boards having socket right behind slots, so if you put in many
longer cards, the heat sink will be in the way) the case is obviously
ATX style.  In my case, I had a place to add two, one on the top of
the case, and one on the bottom front, so it would suck air thru holes
in the very front of the case.  I set this fan to suck in , and the
other fan on top and in the back, to blow out, so it creates a draft
that runs thru the case.  Both of these fans are IN the case.

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