The CTS trucks were just here in Portland and put on a great race, so,
naturally I had to get the update for N3. After racing awhile I have a few
wishes. Perhaps some of these things exist already and a few of the wizards
who frequent this ng can enlighten me!
1. A Web site for all the '00 N3 trucks (more than 4)
2. Gateway track in daytime now that they run then and
3. Dover track at night
4. A track or palette converter from N99 to N3 (so I can run the old
Portland & Flemington Speedways)
5. Chicago Motor Speedway
Not so many, huh?
ps: So it's not all "gimme, gimme" I made a 2000 CTS .cal (includes Daytona
and day Dover) file if anyone wants me to email it to them.
Thanks in advance,