> MSC.Nastran! When you've got a job running on two 600+ MHz RISC
> processors, with a gig of memory allocated *each* and 40+ Gb of
> scratch space striped across a 4-disk array with its own dedicated
> SCSI controller, that's starting to be a resource hog... (especially
> when it still takes several hours to run!)
memconf: V1.39 30-Mar-2001 http://www.webpak.net/~tschmidt/unix.html
hostname: hemmelig
banner: 8-slot Sun Enterprise E4500/E5500
model: Sun Ultra-Enterprise
Solaris 2.6 5/98 s297s_hw3smccServer_09 SPARC, SunOS 5.6
12 UltraSPARC-II cpus, cpu freq: 400MHz, system freq: 100MHz
CPU Units:
Run Ecache CPU CPU
Brd CPU Module MHz MB Impl. Mask
--- --- ------- ----- ------ ------ ----
0 0 0 400 8.0 US-II 10.0
0 1 1 400 8.0 US-II 10.0
2 4 0 400 8.0 US-II 10.0
2 5 1 400 8.0 US-II 10.0
3 6 0 400 8.0 US-II 10.0
3 7 1 400 8.0 US-II 10.0
4 8 0 400 8.0 US-II 10.0
4 9 1 400 8.0 US-II 10.0
6 12 0 400 8.0 US-II 10.0
6 13 1 400 8.0 US-II 10.0
7 14 0 400 8.0 US-II 10.0
7 15 1 400 8.0 US-II 10.0
Memory Units:
Intrlv. Intrlv.
Brd Bank MB DIMMs Status Condition Speed Factor With
--- ----- ---- ----- ------- ---------- ----- ------- -------
0 0 2048 8x256 Active OK 60ns 4-way A
2 0 2048 8x256 Active OK 60ns 4-way A
3 0 2048 8x256 Active OK 60ns 4-way A
4 0 2048 8x256 Active OK 60ns 4-way A
total memory = 8192MB (8GB)
This is just one of the machines in the system. It's running trading
software. (It's probably a little bit overkill though.)
Still, this is nothing. Try looking at weather forecasts or oil
reservoir modeling stuff.