Heading off to take back my Saitek R4 (Non force) tomorrow because in
a) When I hit the brake the car pulls to the left &often into the fence!
(can see it in the calibration screen in GPL & Win 98)
b) Using Direct input (which is the only way to get all 6 "buttons" to
work - Buttons for view left & right, Remote shift for gears & one of the F!
paddles for clutch) the steering response is very jerky with the drivers
arms flicking about uncontrollably all over the place with even small
steering input - visually very off putting)
c) The car has a tendency to "jump" to the left every so often on a
d) In the Win 98 calibration (& also GPL calibration screen the cross hair
is jumping about a good deal after I've calibrated it. Also the calibrations
for brakes is definitly a bit didgy - sometimes I get only 50% ish braking
power - not enough to slow the car down, never mind lock the front wheels!
I've tried the drivers that came with it, the newest drivers off the Saitek
web site & creating a "custom controller under Win 98 all to no avail.
I'm using DX6.0 - as far as I can see DX6.1 does not update the DIrect Input
& therefore I am loathe to try using it on the basis that a) it caused a
problem with my Viper 550 & b) once you have installed it you can't get rid
of it without re-installing windoze
Question is what to replace it with - specifically for GPL & GP2
Which wheels support split axis brake & Gas?
Do USB based wheels wok in GP2? if so which ones?
I believe the MS FF wheel self centres in GPL - do any other FF wheels do
Have Logitech fixed their pedals yet?
Has anyone got a TM FF wheel to work properly in GPL & GP2?
Any views on which makes tend to last best (springs, pots etc..)
Anyone have any general recommendations? Not necessarily sold on the idea of
a FF wheel & besides neither of the sims I use support it anyway
!!.....(might be a nice to have for GP3 if it ever appears (assuming that
does support it!). All I really want is a wheel that will calibrate really
well and put up with resonable levels of use (not abuse!). Some good pedals
& the option to shift with either a stick or paddles would be nice in
addition to split axis pedals (which are the main reasons I bought the
Saitek in the first place)...
thanks for your help