> See the Attached document on how to make 10000 in 4 weeks fast and legally
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Take the time to read this and you will be on your way to the easiest
> way to make money since winning the state lottery This detailed, yet
> simple program will allow you to make a small fortune in under 2
> months with starting costs of 5 dollars! I am talking about money
> around $10,000-20,000 depending on how much time you put in to it.
> Print this article out now!
> All you have to do is give this a try and judge for yourself. You
> will definitely be satisfied with the conclusion you will reach.
> Here's the program.
> 1. Mail $1 to each of the five names you see on the list at the end of
> the letter.
> 2. Send a note on a piece of paper saying "Please add me to your list"
> Remember to wrap
> the paper around the bill, so postal workers won't steal it.
> Also mention what slot or number the person was in when you mailed
> them $1. For example, if John Doe was in slot #1, you would write,
> "John, you were in slot #1".
> 3. Move the names on the list up one increment. This means the number
> #1 person will no longer be on the list and everyone will move "up"
> 4. Take this letter with your name added to the list and post it in as
> many newsgroups and BBS as you can. Re-post the letter after a week
> has passed to as many newsgroups as you can. Re-post as many times as
> you like in the initial three weeks. THE MORE THE BETTER. The
> more newsgroups you post this to means the more money you will make.
> You want to expose this to as many people as possible.
> 5. Post a catchy subject line in each newsgroup to attract people to
> reading your letter.
> 6. Just sit back and relax. If you have followed the instructions and
> posted to enough groups, you are going to have a new car or whatever
> else you want to buy in less than two months. There will be money
> coming in slowly until the third week when you will get a FLOOD of
> letters with $1 in them! If you're like me, you'll have a stack of
> one's over ten feet high. You'll be laughing all the way to the bank
> with your newly acquired 10,000 one dollar bills.
> 7. The last thing to remember is to save the pieces of paper you
> received from people with the $1 in it to be legal and avoid hassles
> with the IRS.
> 8. This business is totally legal under title 18, Section 1302 and
> 1341 of the U.S. Postal Lottery Laws.
> 9. Make sure to remain honest at all times and to keep the integrity
> of the list intact. We are all working for each other!
> #1. Kenneth Jay
> 17 Pappagallo Point
> Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 *USA*
> #2. Dynamic Computers
> P.O. Box 317
> West Springfield, MA 01090 *USA*
> #3. Scott Gagnon
> 217 Morgan Street
> South Hadley, MA 01075 *USA*
> *** I HAVE MADE $2856.00 LAST WEEK ALONE!!!! ***
> #4. Casey Szott
> 204 Templeton Circle N.E.
> Calgary, AB T1Y 4G5 *Canada*
> #5 Adam Fazzolari
> 1152 Basswood Place
> Kingston, On 1k6 k7p *Canada*