Anyway, I am feeling a little disappointed at the performance of my
machine and want to buy a new video card and steering wheel soon.
I currently have:
AMD k6-2 350
128 MB 100HMZ RAM
15' Monitor
and a nice big 7200 RPM UDMA 66 (running at 33 natch) Maxtor HD.
Anyway, what video card would be best to get, I currently have a voodoo
2, and I have a number of 3dfx games like GPL and so on. Is it possible
to run these OK on a TNT2? If not how good are Voodoo 3s, or would it be
better to wait for voodoo 4. Also, just what is the difference between
the ultra and standard TNT2 cards.
Wheel wise (talking bottom of range FF here the MS and logitech wheels
essentially), are they all hardware solutions or is there a performance
hit with the wheels, in which case are some better than others?
Finally, my current desk has a lip on it meaning that at the front it is
3 inches thick, will this be hard to attach a wheel to?
I am a Member of: *TEAM-AMIGA* AND Madness Mailing List(s)
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