You could try 3.01 It's much more quicker and is smaller
You could try 3.01 It's much more quicker and is smaller
IE 4.0 beats the heck out of Netscape and even earlier versions of
IE. I have had no problems with any newsgroups, or anything else for
that matter.
Caranica A.N.D. Robert Cristian wrote in article ...
>> I was using Netscape Communicator to access this group, but this
>> it keeps crashing on me every time I try to click on it. I'm
getting to
>> another newsgroup fine. I deleted all my disk cache and tried a
>> other things, but no dice. I'm using MS IE 3 right now, but I
would prefer
>> just to use Communicator.
>> Any ideas beyond just reinstalling it? I haven't done that yet.
>You could try 3.01 It's much more quicker and is smaller
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
i've had no trouble with communicator 4.03
> --
> Blake
> Caranica A.N.D. Robert Cristian wrote in article ...
> >> I was using Netscape Communicator to access this group, but this
> evening
> >> it keeps crashing on me every time I try to click on it. I'm
> getting to
> >> another newsgroup fine. I deleted all my disk cache and tried a
> couple
> >> other things, but no dice. I'm using MS IE 3 right now, but I
> would prefer
> >> just to use Communicator.
> >> Any ideas beyond just reinstalling it? I haven't done that yet.
> >You could try 3.01 It's much more quicker and is smaller
<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">i've had no trouble with communicator 4.03</FONT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"></FONT>
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE> IE 4.0 beats the heck out of Netscape and even
earlier versions of
<BR>IE. I have had no problems with any newsgroups, or anything else
<BR>that matter.
<P>Caranica A.N.D. Robert Cristian wrote in article ...
<BR>>> I was using Netscape Communicator to access this group, but this
<BR>>> it keeps crashing on me every time I try to click on it. I'm
<BR>getting to
<BR>>> another newsgroup fine. I deleted all my disk cache and tried
<BR>>> other things, but no dice. I'm using MS IE 3 right now, but
<BR>would prefer
<BR>>> just to use Communicator.
<BR>>> Any ideas beyond just reinstalling it? I haven't done that
<BR>>You could try 3.01 It's much more quicker and is smaller
>> IE 4.0 beats the heck out of Netscape and even earlier versions of
>> IE. I have had no problems with any newsgroups, or anything else
>> for
>> that matter.
>> --
>> Blake
>> Caranica A.N.D. Robert Cristian wrote in article ...
>> >> I was using Netscape Communicator to access this group, but this
>> evening
>> >> it keeps crashing on me every time I try to click on it. I'm
>> getting to
>> >> another newsgroup fine. I deleted all my disk cache and tried a
>> couple
>> >> other things, but no dice. I'm using MS IE 3 right now, but I
>> would prefer
>> >> just to use Communicator.
>> >> Any ideas beyond just reinstalling it? I haven't done that yet.
>> >You could try 3.01 It's much more quicker and is smaller