WANTED: msjstick.drv file dated 04/08/98


WANTED: msjstick.drv file dated 04/08/98

by Jo » Tue, 08 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Can someone please email me the msjstick.drv file dated 04/08/98? I
need it to try and resolve my Motocross Madness problems, but for
sdome reason the DirectX 6 install will NOT put this file on my
computer (even if I rename the old version).

I have Eudora Lite, so please e=send the file as an ordinary
attachment, not MIME. Thanks in advance.



WANTED: msjstick.drv file dated 04/08/98

by Jo » Wed, 09 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Please IGNORE this request, I no longer need the file - with the aid
of an MS support rep I was able to force the Direct 6 setup program to
re-install certain files, and the game is now working.

>Can someone please email me the msjstick.drv file dated 04/08/98? I
>need it to try and resolve my Motocross Madness problems, but for
>sdome reason the DirectX 6 install will NOT put this file on my
>computer (even if I rename the old version).
>I have Eudora Lite, so please e=send the file as an ordinary
>attachment, not MIME. Thanks in advance.

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