I discovered that this patch (yellow flags are brought out much quicker
and wrecked cars are removed slower) has a very annoying side-effect:
Pitstop times are much slower than they used to be. The first time I
noticed this was when it happened to my LFRS teammate in his official
race for Brazil. Normally, they vary from 5.7 to 9.7 seconds, but his two
regular race pitstops lasted 16.7 and... 21.7 seconds! He had no broken
wings, and after removing GpFlags from memory the pitstop times were back
to normal.
Has anybody else noticed this too?
Imar de Vries | 'Those crazy Ferrari fans sure make a lot of noise...
LFRS - Patrim #61 | (dramatic pause)... more than the Peugeot that I drive.'
- Forza Ferrari - | - Hakkinen, Formula One driver