it's about time

Jonathan David Ke

it's about time

by Jonathan David Ke » Wed, 08 Dec 1993 01:46:32

Well, it looks like we don't have to be ignored or kicked around in other
groups now! :-)  I'm glad we finally got our own group--remember me
bouncing the idea of a group many months ago?  Well, congratulations to
Afzal for making it a reality.  My crystal ball tells me that one of the
first matters of discussion will be a flame war between fans of World
Circuit/Formula One Grand Prix and IndyCar Racing! ;-)


michael andrew holthou

it's about time

by michael andrew holthou » Wed, 08 Dec 1993 03:58:12

        No way! Most of us are fans of both... well, ok... I like ICR a
        ***y tiny bit better because I've actually been to some of the
        tracks... :) :) :)

        Plus, the IndyCar drivers are more competitive than the F1 drivers!!
        (flame-bait!) Just kidding... glad we finally got thi group!!!

        - Mike.
                              - Mike Holthouse -

                   "Why am I here?" - Adm. Stockdale & Me

Zelpheriarderizan Xavie

it's about time

by Zelpheriarderizan Xavie » Wed, 08 Dec 1993 04:38:30

WRONG!  It's about the flaming of Virtua Racing for allowing other
cars to catch up to the leaders.  (GRIN)

        BTW, I love Race Drivin'.  Do anyone agree with me?

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it's about time

by C.Couls » Thu, 09 Dec 1993 01:49:35

>WRONG!  It's about the flaming of Virtua Racing for allowing other
>cars to catch up to the leaders.  (GRIN)

I'm  sure Mario Andrettis racing challenge (remember that?)  used
to  make  the other cars go faster on the last lap  cos  I  could
drive  an indycar flat out (202) for 19 laps in the lead  and  in
the  last  lap  three would drive past me as if  I  was  standing

Chris Coulson.

Wolverhampton University, England.

P. J. Remn

it's about time

by P. J. Remn » Mon, 20 Dec 1993 06:28:54

YES!  My next car will be a Race Drivin' machine. :-)

I have gotten a 1:17 on the original track, a :24 on the autocross track,
but I haven't yet finished the last one. :-(

The Autocross is great for learning heel-and-toe...
Picard & Riker in '96: "Make it so" for the next generation!

performing controlled core dump...
performing controlled core dump...

Im not Iron M

it's about time

by Im not Iron M » Mon, 20 Dec 1993 07:36:08

>>WRONG!  It's about the flaming of Virtua Racing for allowing other
>>cars to catch up to the leaders.  (GRIN)

>>        BTW, I love Race Drivin'.  Do anyone agree with me?

>YES!  My next car will be a Race Drivin' machine. :-)
>I have gotten a 1:17 on the original track, a :24 on the autocross track,
>but I haven't yet finished the last one. :-(
>The Autocross is great for learning heel-and-toe...
>Picard & Riker in '96: "Make it so" for the next generation!
>performing controlled core dump...
>performing controlled core dump...

hmm the best time i've gotten on the autocross is low to mid 25's... and the
best way ive seen it to only use second gear... never shift out etc.

this way, you dont really have to worry about braking too much, as engine brak-
ing at the end of the stretches will slow you down enough.  any input?


George M. Smil

it's about time

by George M. Smil » Mon, 20 Dec 1993 10:06:00

The best thing about Race Driving is that you can play for as long as
your talent and stamina will allow. On the super stunt track all one
has to do is run sub 2:30 times and avoid breaks in concentration. I
once played the game for 2 hours strait, scored well over a million,
ran times in the 2:23 range, and quit with over a minute in spare
time. I came away with a newfound understanding of just how tiring
a sport autoracing is. I was covered in sweat and was dog tired and
probably wouldn't have been able to spray champagne had any been
available. I can only wonder how rally and endurance drivers manage
the real thing.

  - George

P. J. Remn

it's about time

by P. J. Remn » Mon, 20 Dec 1993 11:29:04

For the best times, I generally use the automatic.  In the first turn, I
get it up to about 60, nail the brakes, and trail-brake as I crank
*** the wheel to slide around.  I punch it, cut across the grass for
the right-hander and do the same thing.  For the last few turns I brake
hard, but don't slide as much.

Remember, just like real racing, brake as late and as hard as you dare!

Picard & Riker in '96: "Make it so" for the next generation!

performing controlled core dump...
performing controlled core dump...

P. J. Remn

it's about time

by P. J. Remn » Mon, 20 Dec 1993 11:33:45

*kneels* I'm not worthy! :-)

I can't seem to ever get a score over 200,000 on any track.  I've gotten
50,000 on the super stunt, 170,000 on the original (140,000 on an old
sit-up Race Drivin' that allowed you to shift without the clutch), and
90,000 on the autocross tracks.  I would probably do well on the super
stunt if I could just get over that damn rollercoaster hill.  I always
either fall backwards or fly over and spin.  How fast do you generally
go over it?

 Peter "da Salamander"
Picard & Riker in '96: "Make it so" for the next generation!

performing controlled core dump...
performing controlled core dump...

Philip Bro

it's about time

by Philip Bro » Mon, 20 Dec 1993 12:36:38

sad sadsadsadsadasd :-)

That would do it :-)
You have to "floor" it getting up to the top. (but not go higher than

That will rush you up the hill, and have you airbourne for a few seconds.
Take your foot off the gas the instant you are in the air, or even a
second before you get airbourne.
NORMAL games will automatically then have your car rpm fall.

If you don't quite make it to the top, try to get it over with as little
gas as possible. You may also have to shift to 2nd if you screwed up.

If the rpm does not fall while you're airbourne.. you're in big trouble.
complain to your arcade manager.

Anyways.. stay in third, and basically coast over the top. You then have
to wait until the car is pointing practically straight down, and FLOOR IT!
If you do not floor it, you're gonna die.

Ta-daaaa! You're careening towards the tunnel, and a sharp right turn
thereof is imminently neccessary :-)

"Look! Up in the Sky! It's a bird!" "It's a plane!" "It's... time for lunch!"
"Naaa. it's just SuperBabs"
"Well, I was hoping it was time for lunch..."

George M. Smil

it's about time

by George M. Smil » Tue, 21 Dec 1993 07:18:00

>>The best thing about Race Driving is that you can play for as long as
>>your talent and stamina will allow. On the super stunt track all one
>>has to do is run sub 2:30 times and avoid breaks in concentration. I
>>once played the game for 2 hours strait, scored well over a million,
>>ran times in the 2:23 range, and quit with over a minute in spare
>>time. I came away with a newfound understanding of just how tiring
>>a sport autoracing is. I was covered in sweat and was dog tired and
>>probably wouldn't have been able to spray champagne had any been
>>available. I can only wonder how rally and endurance drivers manage
>>the real thing.

>*kneels* I'm not worthy! :-)

>I can't seem to ever get a score over 200,000 on any track.  I've gotten
>50,000 on the super stunt, 170,000 on the original (140,000 on an old
>sit-up Race Drivin' that allowed you to shift without the clutch), and
>90,000 on the autocross tracks.  I would probably do well on the super
>stunt if I could just get over that damn rollercoaster hill.  I always
>either fall backwards or fly over and spin.  How fast do you generally
>go over it?

I keep it floored till just before the annoying sign becomes visible, then
it is off the gas completely with perhaps just a dab of acceleration right
before you take off. Then hit the brakes rather softly on the way down a
couple of times. The hardest part is to keep strait on the way up over the
discontinuities in their road.

  - George is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.