sad sadsadsadsadasd :-)
That would do it :-)
You have to "floor" it getting up to the top. (but not go higher than
That will rush you up the hill, and have you airbourne for a few seconds.
Take your foot off the gas the instant you are in the air, or even a
second before you get airbourne.
NORMAL games will automatically then have your car rpm fall.
If you don't quite make it to the top, try to get it over with as little
gas as possible. You may also have to shift to 2nd if you screwed up.
If the rpm does not fall while you're airbourne.. you're in big trouble.
complain to your arcade manager.
Anyways.. stay in third, and basically coast over the top. You then have
to wait until the car is pointing practically straight down, and FLOOR IT!
If you do not floor it, you're gonna die.
Ta-daaaa! You're careening towards the tunnel, and a sharp right turn
thereof is imminently neccessary :-)
"Look! Up in the Sky! It's a bird!" "It's a plane!" "It's... time for lunch!"
"Naaa. it's just SuperBabs"
"Well, I was hoping it was time for lunch..."