I've been trying to figure out the way to make extra money in the
internet, checking news groups and ads. It's not easy but I try to
keep an open mind to opportunities. In these websites you would find
messages like the one described further below. The message got me
thinking:This is just a chain, I don't buy it. But, what if it works?
It's not something new. People have been doing it for decades and I've
never heard of anyone that have acctually made some money out of it.
But, what if it works? When you really think obout it, this is a real
job. I finally made up my mind and here I go. If you made up yuour
mind too, or if you're still giving it a little more thought, keep
reading. It won't be easy. Putting this message on every single
website that you can think of, like news, newsgroups and ads will be
necessary. The more you do it, the better for you (and for me too, of
course), that's why it's a real job. It'll take several hours of
advertising and promoting.
This chain is different because it doesn't deppend on five or ten
persons to whom the masseges would have to be sent by tradditional
mail. With the internet, the message is sent worldwide, available to
thousands and someone (like me) it's going to go for it. Finally, did
you think how much you're going to learn from this kind of task so you
can use this knowledge on future jobs or projects?
Now my name is the last one on the list, where, if you decide to go
on, you'll put yours at the end leaving my name as the one before
last. I wish you good luck, because part of this luck is for me too.
This is the message I found:
"A few days back, when I was visiting news websites, just like you are
now, I saw an article, very similiar to this one, saying you can make
thousands of dollars in just a few weeks by investing only US$6! I
thougt: "Oh no! Another fraud?" But just like most of us, I got very
curious and I kept reading. The article showed six names and
addresses for you to send US$1. Then, you have to write your name at
the end of the list replacing the one on #6 and send the article to at
least 200 "newsgroups" (there are thousands of these all around the
world). There's no trick, that was it.
The big difference between this chain system and others is that you
have a list of six members instead of five. This means that your
average proffit will be fifteen times higher!!! After thinking it
through with my friends, I decided to give it a try. After all, I had
nothing to lose but six stamps and US$6, right?
I was worried about the whole thing being legal, so I contacted the
Correo Central de Chile and they confirmed this chain is completely
So I invested my US$6.....GUESS WHAT!!!... seven days later, I
started to recieve money by mail!!! I was really surprised!!! I still
thought this would end in a few days, but the money kept comming!!!
The first week I made from US$20 to US$30. By the end of the
second week, I had made a total of US$1.000!!!!! By the third week I
got more than US$10.000 and I was getting more. This is my fourth
week and I've made over US$41.000 and It's still comming ( my family
spend the time opening the envelopes and I spend my time finding
"newsgroups"). This is getting serious!!!
At the end, it really paid the US$6 and six stamps investment. I
sure spent more on lotto!!!
Let me explain how it works, and most of all, the reason why it works
so well. Make sure to print a copy of this article RIGHT NOW so you
can get all the information needed.
It's a very simple 3 step process:
STEP N1: Get six pieces of paper and write this down on everyone:
bills. Then, fold the papers and put the one dollar bill in each so it
won't be seen through the envelope. It'll be better if you cover the
bill with a dark color paper so it won't be stolen. At the end you'll
have six sealed envelopes with six one dollar bills enclolsed. By
doing this you're creating a "service" which makes it ABSOLUTELY
Send the envelopes to the following addresses:
1. Oscar Javier Rodrguez z
CR 31 # 45 - 23 barrio el triunfo, Villavicencio Colombia
2. Jorge Balczar
Convento San Juan de los Lagos N 36, Jardines de Santa Mnica, C.P.
54050, Tlalnepantla, Estado de Mexico, MXICO
3. Marco Vinicio Gramajo Leal
2a. Avenida 4-66 Zona 1, Mazatenango Suchitepequez, Guatemala, Centro
4. Ricardo Portillo Arteaga
Calle Gonzalo de Berceo No 52 piso 2o letra B, codigo postal 26005,
Logro?o - La Rioja, Espa?a.
5. Javier Pi?eros Barreto
Carrera 72 No 62 f 33 sur, manzana 2 entrada 3 apto 102, Urbanizacin
Calabria, Bogota Colombia,
Apartado postal : 243003
ADPOSTAL: Palmira - Valle Del Cauca - Colombia
Email: adart...@hotmail.com
STEP2: Remove name #1 of the top of the list and move the other names
one number up (#6 becomes #5 and so on), add your name and address as
STEP3: Change all those things you consider to be changed in this
article, but try to keep it as close to the original as possible. Now
put your article on at least 200 "newsgroups" (there are more than
24.000 groups). Just search in google.com by the keyword "newsgroups"
and you'll find more than 56.000 items. You just need 200, but the
more you put the article on line, the more money you'll get!!
These are instructions to get into the "Newusgroups":
N1 Since you must have your own article, there's no need to write it
all over again. Just select the whole text and use the "copy"
function from the "edit" menu.
N2 Create a "notepad" file and "paste" the text, also using this
function from the "edit" menu. Now you have the text as a notepad file
and you can add your name and address as #6.
N3 Save the text as a .txt file. This will make It easier for you to
make chages on the text whenever you want.
N4 In the Netscape browser go to "window" and select "netscapeNews".
Then, select "options" from the menu and then selct "show all
Newsgroups" so you can get the list of all the "Newsgroups" in the
server. Click on any of the newsgroups, and then click on "TO NEWS",
it should appear at the top on the left. This will lead you to the
messages box.
N5 Fill in that space. That will be the title everyone will see when
visiting any group.
N6 Copy your article and paste it there. Go back to the Newsgroup and
"TO NEWS" and you'll be creating and pasting inside the program or
Step N4 Go to Newsgroups and select "Post an article".
Step N5 Load the article
Step N6 Repeat step N6 for the Netscape users.
Step N7 Press "Post"
THAT'S ALL! All you have to do is search for different Newsgroups.
After a few loads, It'll take like 30 seconds to put the article in
each newsgroup!
Eventually you might want to get a P.O Box cause you're gonna get a
great ammount of envelopes. You can also use a nickname as long as
Now, let's check the numbers:
Supose I only get 5 answers out of 200 sent messages (which is a
really low example), then I made US$5 with my name as #6 on the
list. Now, if everyone who sent me US$1 contact a minimum of 200
Newsgroups too, all of them with my name as #5 on the list, and just
five answer to the 5 original messages, I'll get US$25. This 25
persons put my name as #4 on a minimum of 200 Newsgroups getting just
5 answers I'd be makin another US$125. Then, 125 persons put my
name as #3 on a minimum of 200 Newsgroups, again getting just 5
answers, I'd be getting another US$625 and so on!! With my name as
#2 I'll get US$3.125, and as #1, US$15.625!!!
Now, as I said before, getting only 5 answers is extreeme, the real
average of answers is 20 to 30, so DO THE MATH!!!
Once your name is out of the list, get the last ad on the newsgroup
and send the US$6 to the names listed and put yours as #6 and start
all over!!
Just remember: Thousands of people all around the world surf the
Internet every day reading the article just like you and me! So I
think many of them wont see a problem on investing US$6 to see if it
really works. I know that some will think, "what if no one answers?"
No way!!! What are the chances that will happen, when there are
millions of honest persons (like us) who need to pay bills, who are
looking for financial independence and who are willing to give it a
You can also do this by getting at least 200 e-mails. With this
system, the probbability of success is 5% to 15%. Eather way you do
it, always remember to be honest and I promaise you It will work.
Just make sure to print this article NOW. Try to keep a list to track
all those who sent you money. Keep checking the newsgroups so you can
see if everyone is playing fair. REMEMER, HONESTY ES THE BEST WAY TO
GET WHAT YOU WANT. I've heard of people who sent the message with
their names on the list but without sending the money and they hardly
recieved any money back.
TIME IS IMPORTANT! Don't wait more than seven days from the moment you
see this article! Let's follow the rules so we can all win! Don't
forget to mention this extra money on your tax declaration. THANK YOU