I am looking for a few screenshots of the ( old ) formula 3
simulator REVS to put on a web-page and wanted to ask around
if anyone happens to have made some. If so, can anyone please
point me to the location or perhaps send me the screenshots
via mail ( pics should be small since the resolution is 320x200 ).
Most of all I'd like to have the starting picture which shows
two cars going into a fast right-hander with a tower in the background.
Awesome pic IMO ! :-)
BTW : I have it as c-64 emulation ( with PC-64 as emulator ) but
the game starts immediately with the menu and skips the
starting pic....
I'm also interested in any REVS-related sites on the web.
( Are there any ? :-)
Thanks for any help.
Ivanhoe 'Tacho' Vasiljevich Student of Technical Physics at the
- http://www.racesimcentral.net/~e8925403