Having personnaly working on VRally2, i have to congrat you for this
wondeful game.
I especially love the car physics even if crash/colision are not enough
realistic IMO.
It's also a shame that there is no difficulty level for car physics. I
would like a car
physics with real inertia, i could see that in the game there is help
for the player when
we start to loose control the car is fixed , that's good for gameplay
but an option to
disable it would be great !
It's also a shame that the tracks are so short but i understand that you
used PSX graphics
and sound ressources :o)
The AI are a great challenge ! And it's cool !
I hope that a patch will be out for more complex car physics or options
to disable every
driving helps.
I hope you come talk with us on Race Auto Simulators news group
community at