Top speeds in F1GP

David Zuidem

Top speeds in F1GP

by David Zuidem » Fri, 26 May 1995 04:00:00

What is the top speed (and with what setup) can you get at Monza. The
best I can get is about 327km/h while the computer cars are attaining
335km/h plus. I've tried different setups but am currently using rear=20
front=35 5th gear=67:64.

David Zuidema Monash University Physics dept.              
Melbourne Australia   

Doug Reichl

Top speeds in F1GP

by Doug Reichl » Sat, 27 May 1995 04:00:00

For qualifying I'm using 54F/21R wings with 6th gear = 67:64 and can get
207 - 208 mph.

For Racing, I'm using 50F/21R wings with 6th gear = 67:64 and can get 206
- 207 mph.

Those speeds are topped at the end of the front straight.  On the back
straight (under the bridge), I'm hitting about 204 - 205 mph.

Maybe you need to come through the leading corners a little faster so you
can get that much more speed at the end of the straights.

Oliver Rober

Top speeds in F1GP

by Oliver Rober » Sat, 27 May 1995 04:00:00

> For qualifying I'm using 54F/21R wings with 6th gear = 67:64 and can get
> 207 - 208 mph.

> For Racing, I'm using 50F/21R wings with 6th gear = 67:64 and can get 206
> - 207 mph.

> Those speeds are topped at the end of the front straight.  On the back
> straight (under the bridge), I'm hitting about 204 - 205 mph.

> Maybe you need to come through the leading corners a little faster so you
> can get that much more speed at the end of the straights.

Or you could set your HP to 1432 (max), adjust your wings to 0F/0R and
gears accordingly and reach 269 mph!

But that's cheating :)

* (Comp Sci Student)            WWW: *
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David Bun

Top speeds in F1GP

by David Bun » Sat, 27 May 1995 04:00:00

: For qualifying I'm using 54F/21R wings with 6th gear = 67:64 and can get
: 207 - 208 mph.

: For Racing, I'm using 50F/21R wings with 6th gear = 67:64 and can get 206
: - 207 mph.

: Those speeds are topped at the end of the front straight.  On the back
: straight (under the bridge), I'm hitting about 204 - 205 mph.

: Maybe you need to come through the leading corners a little faster so you
: can get that much more speed at the end of the straights.

I am pretty sure that many F1GP drivers have gone faster. I am sure there
is some way to increase the power of the engine. Anyway as far as I can
tell, if absolutely no wing is added, the top speed of the car will be
around 212 mph. At Monza for qualifying I use 07F/10R which provides a
maximum speed of 208-209 mph. My bets lap time here is a 1:19.x but
anyway this is irrelevent since many people have gone faster than this
and I am convinced they could not have done this without cheating.

Incidentally the 209 mph coincides with an engine RPM of 13000. The
record lap was acheived by getting the 'toe' on two straights at Monza,
lifting the speed to 225 mph, (and the engine revs of the scale ) at
which point in real life the engine should have blown up!

Regards,                    World Wide Web                      


Top speeds in F1GP

by holbr.. » Sun, 28 May 1995 04:00:00

> Newsgroups:
> Path:!demon!uknet!strath-cs!info!db93

> Subject: Re: Top speeds in F1GP

> Organization: University of Exeter, UK
> X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

> Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 16:49:39 GMT
> Lines: 32

> : For qualifying I'm using 54F/21R wings with 6th gear = 67:64 and can get
> : 207 - 208 mph.

> : For Racing, I'm using 50F/21R wings with 6th gear = 67:64 and can get 206
> : - 207 mph.

> : Those speeds are topped at the end of the front straight.  On the back
> : straight (under the bridge), I'm hitting about 204 - 205 mph.

> : Maybe you need to come through the leading corners a little faster so you
> : can get that much more speed at the end of the straights.

> I am pretty sure that many F1GP drivers have gone faster. I am sure there
> is some way to increase the power of the engine. Anyway as far as I can
> tell, if absolutely no wing is added, the top speed of the car will be
> around 212 mph. At Monza for qualifying I use 07F/10R which provides a
> maximum speed of 208-209 mph. My bets lap time here is a 1:19.x but
> anyway this is irrelevent since many people have gone faster than this
> and I am convinced they could not have done this without cheating.

> Incidentally the 209 mph coincides with an engine RPM of 13000. The
> record lap was acheived by getting the 'toe' on two straights at Monza,
> lifting the speed to 225 mph, (and the engine revs of the scale ) at
> which point in real life the engine should have blown up!

> --
> Regards,               World Wide Web                      
> David                

Having achieved a time in the low 1:17s I can say that it is possible without
cheating.  Perhaps you have gone too far in your setup, concentrating on speed
down the straights and not through the corners !!!.  Having viewed the record
lap using GP Analyser, your contention that some toeing is involved is
incorrect.  Infact the top speed achieved is 207mph.  The area where the lap is
quick is through the old bendy bits.



Ivanhoe Grant Vasiljevi

Top speeds in F1GP

by Ivanhoe Grant Vasiljevi » Sun, 28 May 1995 04:00:00

: I am pretty sure that many F1GP drivers have gone faster. I am sure there
: is some way to increase the power of the engine. Anyway as far as I can
: tell, if absolutely no wing is added, the top speed of the car will be
: around 212 mph. At Monza for qualifying I use 07F/10R which provides a
: maximum speed of 208-209 mph. My bets lap time here is a 1:19.x but
: anyway this is irrelevent since many people have gone faster than this
: and I am convinced they could not have done this without cheating.

Well, I drove a 1:16.2 lap with a wing setting of 47F 15 R and
definitely no cheating at all. ( version 1.05 of F1GP for PC BTW )
No slipstreaming too.

IMO you havent got enough front wing to drive through the curves
very fast and hence cannot utilize the full potential of the
low wing setting you use. Look at the Parabolica : In order
to get the car running at 337+ km/h you have to exit
it very well and the gear ratios must be adequate to the top speed.
And other than in Hockenheim, Monza is not a track that depends
solely on top speed but also needs good speed on curves to drive
a good time.


  Ivanhoe 'Tacho' Vasiljevich            Student of Technical Physics
   Rudolfsplatz 8/2                  at the Technical University of Vienna
    A-1010 Vienna                   Tel.   :                  1 / 532 77 36

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