I own the *original* italian version of GPL, and even if I am VERY far
from being a good driver (or even an average one, my GPLRank,
calculated with replay analyser is a humiliating 370.98) I have fallen
in love with the game and with all the universe of vintage racing.
I read somewhere that in the DVD-cased UK and USA version of the game
is available the pdf version of "Four-wheel drift" (BTW, I see Stephen
Smith is posting here on a regular base, and I would like to thank him
for this wonderful book, the best game manual EVER, no doubt); since
the italian translation is from time to time quite weak, and some
pieces are missing, I was wondering if there is a way to obtain the
english pdf version without having to rebuy the game...
Thanx to anybody who will help (and to anybody who WON'T help but just
answer :)
email: box266 (at) hotmail.com