Sorry.. ;-) It's not been a good week for me, what with finals
pressing on me.. It was kind of disappointing for me to work the
miracle of getting Labonte's car done an hour after I saw it on
RPM2Night, and then have someone just up and post it on here..
But hey, at least everyone can get a copy of it now.. ;-)
>>If you feel the need to individually distribute .PCXs from our PROMO
>>set, sir, at LEAST have the common decency to do it on the BINARIES
>>newsgroup and not here.
>>Tony Johns
>>IWCCCARS Project Coordinator
>Sick em Tony! Sick em! <G>
>Simcar #93 Big "O" Boats/Exide Batteries Chevrolet
>"It's Always Darkest before it goes totally Black"
Tony Johns
IWCCCARS Project Coordinator