


by Stev » Mon, 21 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Go there, NOW!



by Devo » Mon, 21 Sep 1998 04:00:00


> Go there, NOW!

Awesome picture on the box!  I want it now!


Neil Yeatma


by Neil Yeatma » Mon, 21 Sep 1998 04:00:00


> Go there, NOW!

And if you click on the Screens section, and click on the map of Monza
titled "Every circuit is reproduced in exquisite detail", you'll see not
just the oval on the map, but "Partly Cloudy", "Heavy Rain", and "Sunny"
listed for the session track conditions...

Given that we were told months ago that there would be no weather in
GPL, it's a little surprising to see it on this webpage...


Neil Yeatman          
Ajax, Ontario, CANADA



by Devo » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00


> >

> > Go there, NOW!

> And if you click on the Screens section, and click on the map of Monza
> titled "Every circuit is reproduced in exquisite detail", you'll see not
> just the oval on the map, but "Partly Cloudy", "Heavy Rain", and "Sunny"
> listed for the session track conditions...

> Given that we were told months ago that there would be no weather in
> GPL, it's a little surprising to see it on this webpage...

Excellent observation!  That is good news indeed :)  Here's the direct
link to the screenshot:




by doktor » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

That picture is from November, 1997...
Sorry, but weather WILL NOT be implemented in GPL for the reasons stated

Poor choice of pics for Sierra to put on their page (this new section has
been up for at least two weeks, btw). It IS confusing to people who are new
to the GPL scene (I've been following it for two years, at least).. it would
definitely appear that weather might be in... but unfortunately it is NOT
the case..

Sorry to break the news (once more).

For the GPL track files, FAQs (I've got them!), installation help, release
date updates, PC GAMER preview pics, and more!
This week's Poll-of-the-Week: Did you, or didn't you download the WAREZ GPL?


>> >

>> > Go there, NOW!

>> And if you click on the Screens section, and click on the map of Monza
>> titled "Every circuit is reproduced in exquisite detail", you'll see not
>> just the oval on the map, but "Partly Cloudy", "Heavy Rain", and "Sunny"
>> listed for the session track conditions...

>> Given that we were told months ago that there would be no weather in
>> GPL, it's a little surprising to see it on this webpage...

>Excellent observation!  That is good news indeed :)  Here's the direct
>link to the screenshot:



by Devo » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> That picture is from November, 1997...
> Sorry, but weather WILL NOT be implemented in GPL for the reasons stated
> previously.

The date on all of the screenshots is August 9, 1998.  Do you work for
Sierra?  You sound pretty sure of yourself.


Bart-W. van Lit


by Bart-W. van Lit » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Trust him, the screen shots are older then the demo! And the demo was a
very early beta


> > That picture is from November, 1997...
> > Sorry, but weather WILL NOT be implemented in GPL for the reasons stated
> > previously.

> The date on all of the screenshots is August 9, 1998.  Do you work for
> Sierra?  You sound pretty sure of yourself.

> Devon

David L. Coo


by David L. Coo » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Oh well, what is and what could've been.  I guess time and resources cut back
the features to what they are today.  Maybe we can look forward to these
enhancements in a future release.

David Cook

> Trust him, the screen shots are older then the demo! And the demo was a
> very early beta

> Bart

> > > That picture is from November, 1997...
> > > Sorry, but weather WILL NOT be implemented in GPL for the reasons stated
> > > previously.

> > The date on all of the screenshots is August 9, 1998.  Do you work for
> > Sierra?  You sound pretty sure of yourself.

> > Devon

Jim Dunph


by Jim Dunph » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Hello fellow Torontonians!
No there is no weather at least in the build I have ( 1.05 )

Jim Dunphy

The Pits

To err is human, to moo is bovine.

>That picture is from November, 1997...
>Sorry, but weather WILL NOT be implemented in GPL for the reasons stated

>Poor choice of pics for Sierra to put on their page (this new section has
>been up for at least two weeks, btw). It IS confusing to people who are new
>to the GPL scene (I've been following it for two years, at least).. it
>definitely appear that weather might be in... but unfortunately it is NOT
>the case..

>Sorry to break the news (once more).

>For the GPL track files, FAQs (I've got them!), installation help, release
>date updates, PC GAMER preview pics, and more!
>This week's Poll-of-the-Week: Did you, or didn't you download the WAREZ


>>> >

>>> > Go there, NOW!

>>> And if you click on the Screens section, and click on the map of Monza
>>> titled "Every circuit is reproduced in exquisite detail", you'll see not
>>> just the oval on the map, but "Partly Cloudy", "Heavy Rain", and "Sunny"
>>> listed for the session track conditions...

>>> Given that we were told months ago that there would be no weather in
>>> GPL, it's a little surprising to see it on this webpage...

>>Excellent observation!  That is good news indeed :)  Here's the direct
>>link to the screenshot:

Bruce Kennewel


by Bruce Kennewel » Wed, 23 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Devon, that is the date on which they were published to their web site,
most likely.

Mike lescault explained some time ago that changeable weather effects
would not be incorporated unless they could be represented properly. By
"properly" he implied in a manner befitting the accuracy and realism of
the rest of the simulation: he was not belittling the weather effects in
other simulations.

> The date on all of the screenshots is August 9, 1998.  Do you work for
> Sierra?  You sound pretty sure of yourself.

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-


by meij » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Far be it from me to suggest that Sierra got it wrong but I know for a fact
that the webmaster is more interested in webpages than games so it's likely
that he made a ***oo.

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