> >>Hopefully the democRATs finally wake up and distance themselves from the
> >horror of the BJ
> >>Clinton regime. If there is anyone in the democRAT party with an IQ over
> >this election
> >>wipeout should be the impetus for change.
> >>Do you guys still want to run Alibomber***Jr. in 2004? or Hitlary? Or
> >D***?
> >>Bwahahahahahaha. Time to clean house and find some honest party members.
> >do have some,
> >>right?
> >Hmmm. I'm assuming you're one of those right-wingers based on your
> >utter lack of intelligence...but I really should warn you to be careful
> >you wish for.
> >Clinton led the Democratic Party hard right, wiping out any real
> >between the parties. We saw that this week as well as any other time.
Do you
> >really want to see some people with real ideas back at the head of the
> >Democratic Party? At a time when the US people in general are further
> >than what either party is offering, what do you think the result of
someone who
> >is actually liberal leading the party will be? Be afraid that you'll get
> >you asked for...you, as a right-wing idiot, are much better off with the
> >current Reuplican-Lites running against your party.
> > -Tim
> OK, Two questions I always ask and rarely get an answer.
> 1. Why do you feel a need to spout your Marxist ideologies at every
> opportunity? Whether it is in an appropriate forum or not.
> 2. Why are you lefties so full of hatred for people who may have a
> different but, valid and m***world view? Hatred unbalances the
> system, causes poor digestion, disrupts sleep etc. Maybe that is why
> you have trouble reasoning properly!
> Rich Piotrowski
Hehe, no kidding. I always get a kick out of the self-appointed "expanded
mind/enlightened ones", who are more close-minded than those they mock.