> I have heard some good things about BeOs, wondering if anyone has tried it
> for ***?
On my machine I dual boot BeOS and Win9x. Windows for *** and BeOS for
everything else. It's a great OS, but the hardware support is limited.
Make sure you check out the compatibility list at http://www.racesimcentral.net/ before
you buy!
It reads and writes VFAT, but all this DX stuff is as alien to BeOS as
it is to any other Non-MS OS. As far as using an emulator, BeOS does not
pretend not to be a resource hog, so expecting something emulated within it
to run very well is optimistic, at best. At least with Linux, you are
getting a lot out of your hardware so you might have some left to run games.
You also don't have a zillion people working together to accomplish anything
with it since it is a commercial venture, and a small one at that.
It looks and runs nice and is 2nd nature to anyone who can negotiate the
Win9x shell or KDE. The TCP/IP internet stuff works OK, but no major
browser ports, yet, and the one it uses doesn't do Java or JS or even
animated GIFs. The LAN aspect is kind of underdeveloped and hard to
configure. They (the developers) feel it should be largely a standalone OS.
It is really targeted as an adjunct to Windows rather than an
alternative. I think they would like to make a name as a good environment
for digital video editing and multimedia production. It would probably run
games well, but no-one is going to bother with it until it has a noticable
share of desktops, which I don't see happening. Judging from what I have
read from the company, they would just as soon you switch over to Windows to
play games and then switch back when you are done.
Here's the URL for their homepage:
There's some good FAQs there.
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Wow! A lot happens when you don't pay attention for awhile.
Thanks for the info,
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> The SBLive! is natively supported as of the R4.5.2 update (I have an SBLive!
> Value, it's working fine). If you want/need a more capable browser under
> BeOS, suggest you look at Opera, which is in late beta stage for Be. Also,
> Sun and Be just announced that Java will be available for BeOS by the end of
> the year. RealPlayer for BeOS should be available in about the same timeframe.
> Regards,
> Diego
> >I don't see anyone rushing to port anything to it. My VooDoo3/3000 is
> >supported out of the box, but the SBLive! is not yet supported, at least not
> >the last time I checked a month or so ago. It has some OpenGL demo stuff in
> > The SBLive! is natively supported as of the R4.5.2 update (I have an
> > Value, it's working fine). If you want/need a more capable browser
> > BeOS, suggest you look at Opera, which is in late beta stage for Be.
> > Sun and Be just announced that Java will be available for BeOS by the
end of
> > the year. RealPlayer for BeOS should be available in about the same
> > Regards,
> > Diego
> > >I don't see anyone rushing to port anything to it. My VooDoo3/3000 is
> > >supported out of the box, but the SBLive! is not yet supported, at
least not
> > >the last time I checked a month or so ago. It has some OpenGL demo