>Follow the directions below and in two weeks you'll have up to
>$20000.00 in your PayPal account.
> THAT'S ALL !!!
> If you are a skeptic and don't think the program will work, I urge
> you to give it a try anyway! It REALLY WORKS! Why do you
> think so many people are promoting it ?
> LOOK AT IT THIS WAY: If the Program is a total failure for you and you
> never get even $1.00 in return, your total loss will
> be the $5.00! If you are not yet a paypal member, there is no risk at
> all!!! If the Program is only moderately successful for
> you, your PayPal account will have several hundred dollars deposited
> into it within the next few days! If you actively
> participate in the Program, you could have up to $20,000.00 in your
> PayPal account within two weeks!
> Now let me tell you the simple details.
> Getting Started!!
> If you're not already a user of PayPal, the very first thing you need
> to do is go to PayPal and sign up. It takes two minutes
> and Pay Pal will deposit $5.00 in your account just for becoming a
> member. That makes this program's total cost $0!!! Follow
> this link to open your PayPal account:
> <https://www.paypal.com>
> Now log into your PayPal account, and send the PayPal account of the
> person listed in Position 1 $5.00 PayPal will ask you to
> select type. (Select "service" and put "$5.00 donation" for
> subject.) When person in Position 1 receives notification of your
> payment, you can simply copy this page and change the names in
> position #1 & #2 & #3 as instructed. Remember, only the person
> in Position 1 on the list gets your $5.00 donation. Send them a
> donation then remove #1PayPal account from the list. Move the
> other two accounts up & add your Paypal account to #3 position. After
> you have retyped the names in the new order,
> IMMEDIATELY send the revised message to as many people as possible.
> PROMOTE! PROMOTE! The more you promote the Program, the
> more you will receive in donations!! That's all there is to it.
> When your name reaches Position 1 (usually in less than a week) it
> will be your turn to receive the cash. $5.00 will be sent
> to your PayPal account by people just like you who are willing to send
> $5.00 donation and receive up to $20,000 in less than
> two weeks. Because there are only (3) names on the list you can
> anticipate 80% of your cash within two weeks.
> Anytime you find yourself short on cash just take out your $5.00
> donation program and send it to 50 prospects. Imagine if you
> sent it to 100 or even more. Most people spend more than $5 on the
> lottery every week with no real hope of ever winning.
> Integrity and honesty make this plan work.
> Participants who actively promote this program will average between $8000
> and
> $12000 and receive the donations within two weeks.
> This is not a chain letter. You are simply making a donation of $5.00
> to another person. The Program does not violate title
> 18 section 1302 of the Postal and lottery code.
> Remember -TIME is of the essence. YOU can choose to live
> Paycheck-to-Paycheck or live FREE from FINANCIAL ***. Become a
> part of the donation program and help people help people.
> This program is about helping each other!
> Success is a journey - Not a destination!
> Start Your Journey TODAY!!!!
Go sit and rotate indeed.
And don't stop till your cheeks hit sand.
> > Go sit on your Pyramid and rotate. I hear counter-clockwise is most
> > enjoyable.
> Yes.
> Go sit and rotate indeed.
> And don't stop till your cheeks hit sand.