As your using a digital control control device for throttle and braking,
There are two possible solutions here.....
1) Increase the lowest gear ratio to around 40, and turn off throttle
help (F7), this will decrease the possibility of wheelspin by having
"longer" low gears.
2) If you haven't already done so, turn on throttle help (F7), this will
automatically cut down the amount of wheelspin you get at low speeds,
eg:- during a start.
Whichever option you choose, you will still get some wheelspin due to the
nature of the control device, eg:- digital, which means your throttle is
either full on, or off, and nothing in between.
So when making a start, try to keep the revs just below the maximum,
about 2/3 to 3/4, this will mean the revs are high enough to give you a
good fast start, but not too fast to create wheelspin.
As always it requires practice, practice, and more practice.
**Peter** #:?) "Beep, beep......."