I just wish the mouse could be used to rotate the camera while in the car. The fixed left/right views are annoyingly restrictive. At least in Midtown Madness the camera has 6 fixed rotation views AND mouselook while in-car. It seems odd GTA3 isn't the same considering how similar it is to the MM series in many (most) other respects.
I'd also like another 1st-person view inside the car (like the left/right views give) instead of only in front of the car. The left/right 1st-person views should also be centered on the player's head (complete with rendering the player's body) and allow mouselook to aim the gun (and to just look around without aiming a gun).
It's all about immersion.
> Since you can look left and right whilst driving, wouldn't it be cool if you
> could shoot as well. Would be great for drive bys. Although on the missions I
> have had to kill someone I have found it much more satisfying running them
> over in a truck!