Yes I ordered NASCAR2 today at
Yes I ordered NASCAR2 today at
Ed Martin
Producer, Series Director
NASCAR Racing League
Papyrus / Sierra On-Line, Inc.
FIVE MONTHS! Why does Sierra take orders for products NOW when they know
it won't be out for another 5 months!
On Sun, 16 Jun 1996 15:06:57 -0400, "Randy***son"
So they can get your money, man.
IWCCCARS Project Coordinator
Hawaii Racer ID: IWCCCARS
> On Sun, 16 Jun 1996 15:06:57 -0400, "Randy***son"
> >FIVE MONTHS! Why does Sierra take orders for products NOW when they know
> >it won't be out for another 5 months!
> So they can get your money, man.
> --
Doh! REALLY!? Maybe it's just ME, but it really pisses me off when
companies are trying to scam sales from the retail stores by giving the
appearance that a product is available now when it is in fact, several
months from release.
>> Yes I ordered NASCAR2 today at
>>Yes I ordered NASCAR2 today at
> Yes, and while you will be paying $54.95 plus shipping and handling, I
>will be driving to the local computer store a few weeks after N2 is
>released, and be paying $10 less WITHOUT S/H. My very serious
>suggestion to you is to cancel that order and be patient for the sim
>to be released in the stores.
Or just let your significant other, buy it for you, for Christmas.
--- Frank ---