aftermarket pedals from NZ


aftermarket pedals from NZ

by Adam » Tue, 14 Mar 2000 04:00:00

 Does any remember or have the URL for the guy that makes pedal sets
that people were getting for thier LWFF? He make complete sets with a
wheel and all but he was also just selling the pedals. I'm pretty sure
he is in New Zealand as well. My buddy is looking to get a nice set of
pedals for the upcomming F1 releases this summer. TIA

Adam M


aftermarket pedals from NZ

by DTP » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

That would be Redline Race Controllers. Here's the url.  If you wind
up picking up a set of their pedals let us all know how you like them. I have a LWFF and have been thinking about
picking up a set, but been too busy doing other stuff to follow up on it. Maybe this will get me motivated :-)

                                                       See ya in the pits,

I have a terrible memory. In fact it's so bad that I can't remember how long it's been since I've forgotten anything.

>  Does any remember or have the URL for the guy that makes pedal sets
> that people were getting for thier LWFF? He make complete sets with a
> wheel and all but he was also just selling the pedals. I'm pretty sure
> he is in New Zealand as well. My buddy is looking to get a nice set of
> pedals for the upcomming F1 releases this summer. TIA

> Adam M

Goy Larse

aftermarket pedals from NZ

by Goy Larse » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

> That would be Redline Race Controllers. Here's the url.  If you wind
> up picking up a set of their pedals let us all know how you like them. I have a LWFF and have been thinking about
> picking up a set, but been too busy doing other stuff to follow up on it. Maybe this will get me motivated :-)

I bought a set and connected it to my homemade wheel, I'll never
understand how I managed to drive without these pedals before :-), btw,
I used CH Pedals earlier, nothing wrong with them, but the Redline
pedals adds a sense of realism as well, that brake pedal feels "just"
like a real brake pedal

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

"Team Mirage"
"The Pits"

* Spam is for losers who can't get business any other way *

Gene Boni

aftermarket pedals from NZ

by Gene Boni » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Let me second this. I bought a set of Nigel Nichol's pedals and they are
great. They work as well as they look. And Nigel is great to deal with. I
have the LWFF wheel and mostly was looking for a better brake. The
difference is incredible. Where before, with the LWFF pedals, you get no
sensation of how hard to press before lockup. But with Nigel's brake and
it's secondary spring, it's just like a real car's brake pedal. I find
myself "standing" on it with no fear of lockup. It really is that good and
the more you use it, the more you realize that this is like a real brake
pedal. And I haven't even started using the clutch yet!


> > That would be Redline Race Controllers. Here's the url.  If you wind
have a LWFF and have been thinking about
it. Maybe this will get me motivated :-)
Goy Larse

aftermarket pedals from NZ

by Goy Larse » Thu, 16 Mar 2000 04:00:00

> Let me second this. I bought a set of Nigel Nichol's pedals and they are
> great. They work as well as they look. And Nigel is great to deal with. I
> have the LWFF wheel and mostly was looking for a better brake. The
> difference is incredible. Where before, with the LWFF pedals, you get no
> sensation of how hard to press before lockup. But with Nigel's brake and
> it's secondary spring, it's just like a real car's brake pedal. I find
> myself "standing" on it with no fear of lockup. It really is that good and
> the more you use it, the more you realize that this is like a real brake
> pedal. And I haven't even started using the clutch yet!

We really should start a Nigel Nichols fan club :-)))

Nigel for president/prime minister !!!

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

"Team Mirage"
"The Pits"

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