Let me second this. I bought a set of Nigel Nichol's pedals and they are
great. They work as well as they look. And Nigel is great to deal with. I
have the LWFF wheel and mostly was looking for a better brake. The
difference is incredible. Where before, with the LWFF pedals, you get no
sensation of how hard to press before lockup. But with Nigel's brake and
it's secondary spring, it's just like a real car's brake pedal. I find
myself "standing" on it with no fear of lockup. It really is that good and
the more you use it, the more you realize that this is like a real brake
pedal. And I haven't even started using the clutch yet!
> > That would be Redline Race Controllers. Here's the url.
http://www.wave.co.nz/pages/lakewood/Redline2.htm If you wind
have a LWFF and have been thinking about
it. Maybe this will get me motivated :-)