A little "historical" context to my other post. Sorry to those who saw it the
1st time.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a place far away and long ago (well, a place near France and about 20 "Use the Force Luke." No thanks, I'll use this steering wheel -- it cost a fortune. "Then move the slider, Luke... totally linear input is the Jedi's Way." But Master, my arms tremble with fear under braking. There'll be Force all "Fear not. Trust in yourself. Be fast Luke, be *fast*!" <Luke grits teeth> <time passes, usually sideways, with smoking tyres and much Master! "Luke?" Fetch Yoda quickly! I'm upside down. "Upside down? A Jedi must learn to see the world from all angles. Seek <closes eyes> Master? "What now?" I'm still upside down. "Very well then, you may Sh'ftah yourself... but only this one last time, But my mother said... "Sh'ftah, Luke! I made no mention of warts and hairy palms." Oh, sorry master, I can't. "Ah, I have taught you well, my son. The Force is strong in you, you can no Er, sorry Master. My Sh'ftah's been playing up for days. I think I've worn it ***COMMERCIAL BREAK*** <two thonged lap dancers jiggle onscreen carrying a sample keyboard "Hah hmmm!" Eh? What? "Luke, if you carry on dribbling like that you'll drown in your helmet. You're <car drops to track right way up> "No Luke. See how your drool follows the path of least resistance." <Luke goes cross-eyed trying to stare at his chin> "Watch it drip onto your cheap nylon overalls and run down the creases, <Luke pouts> "Stop whining. Next you'll be starting a thread about how unfair it is you're Sorry Master. I promise I'll... Master? <His bearded tutor struggles in the grip of a predictable tall black figure <insert sound effects> HEAR ME LUKE. DO NOT LISTEN TO THE OLD FOOL! HE WOULD HAVE Father, are you being cryptic again? I thought the suppositories and bran LUKE, LISTEN TO ME! NON-LINEAR INPUT IS THE TRUE PATH. IT IS But father, he says it leads me into bad habits. How shall I know which is FOLLOW YOUR HEART, LUKE. LET YOUR BASE, ANIMAL SELF FLOOD <the young Jedi closes his eyes, envisages the slider moving slightly BL**DY FOOL! YOU COULD'VE RUN US BOTH OVER! YOU OK OBI? "Nothing broken." <the old Jedi brushes dust from his cloak> WELL OBI, YOU THINK HE'LL BE OK NOW? "B*gger him Vader, where did those lap dancers go?" <cue theme tune> Key Grip: Andrew McP --------------------------------------------------------------
minutes ago, but who's counting?)
over the hay bales if I use totally linear input!
<moves slider away from the middle of the scale, all the way to the left>
<clicks green buttons>
not to turn the world when all that needs turning is your perception of what
is correct, Luke."
<tries to reposition sensory expectations>
<opens eyes>
longer bear to cheat."
out. Can you fetch me a spare keyboard?
Keyboard problems? Look no further! In conjunction with Papyrus
Software and whoever decided Win95 keys were a good idea, we here at
Ronco are *proud* to announce the GPL Recovery Keyboard. Seven***
SHIFT keys to choose from! A massive *twenty-nine* R keys! You'll never
run out of recovery keys again! And of course, like all Ronco's other
products, it dices carrots and mashes potatoes for you! You'll never want
to use another keyboard again -- we guarantee it!
and a bowl of steaming potatoes. One tips the potatoes onto the floor
(bending gratuitously towards the camera in the process). The other
places the keyboard gently on top of the potatoes. Holding each other for
support, the girls step carefully onto the keyboard, then jump up and
down repeatedly. The potatoes probably get mashed, but who's
still upside down, remember? Here's that new keyboard."
<A bead of dribble forms on Luke's chin. He starts to wipe it away>
seeking a final harmonious resting place. Let your car be that drool Luke.
Let it seek the creases in the track as surely as... what's wrong now?"
My leg's wet Master.
a cr*p driver!"
whose gloved hand is clamped over the old Jedi's mouth>
supplements were supposed to sort that out.
the true path? And none of that drool cr*p, all right?
away from its linear extreme, lets slip the clutch, and...>
<Darth sighs as he notices his armour's got scuffed>
<cue sunset>
<cue hero driving into distance... then a ditch>
<cue credits>