I haven't seen this tip posted anywhere, so I thought I'd pass
it along. (I haven't really looked for it either, so if it's common
knowledge by now, my apologies...)
According to posts from Microsoft, the upcoming patch will
add a "flat shading" feature to help out those who want a
little better frame rate... well, what that means is, they are
going to add an easy way to turn it on and off. The option is
already there...
Just go to the "SYSTEM" folder in your CPR directory and edit
the file "CART.INI" with your favorite text editor. In the graphics
section is a line that says:
change that line to:
Save the file and start CPR. Turn your hills and objects on and
they will no longer have their textures. (The hills, billboards,
and buildings won't anyway... the trees will still have textures.)
This is a good option for people with slower systems (like mine)
who want a little better frame rate, but want to see the trackside
objects for braking/shifting point references.
Hope this helps some of you,
- Mike.
PS - Just to cover my butt: Edit the CART.INI file at your own risk.
What I said works as I described on *my* system, but I'm not
going to be responsible for any weird things that happen on
*your* system!
Mike Holthouse - Indianapolis, IN
My new philosophy is to never explain my
philosophies. I wish I could tell you why.