Why would you want to, Ben?
All of the teams that fielded F1 cars on a *regular* basis in 1966/67
are represented in GPL. (By "teams" I mean the types of cars...not
necessarily just the actual team names and drivers.)
There were other privateers who entered on a casual basis...usually
locals who fronted up for their national GP only.
Papyrus have certainly provided us with a far better-than-expected
selection of cars to drive, in my opinion.
> Please can anybody out there tell me if you can have more than
> 7 cars in Grand Prix Legends.
> I have been making my own carsets for 1970-76, but when you
> get to the mid 70s there are more fast teams.....
> Is it possible to extend GPL to more than 7 Team ????
> Thanks
> Ben Summers
> (5 days until showtime downunder)
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