8th May 2000, India
Hi there!
Our Website www.electronicsforu.com has a section that has 130 free
circuits for you to see. The
best part is that 2 new circuits are added every month. And those of
this month were added only
yesterday i.e. 2.5.2000.
FREE Circuits!!!
The URL of the 'Circuit Of The Month' is:
Hurry! Make sure that you get to access our site and print the same
before the site gets blocked. Last
month we witnessed a million hits during the same period.
And that time, we did not even post a message on DejaNews.
The 130 Circuits
The list of the 130 (plus) circuits is divided among 7 Webpages,
starting from...
URL: www.electronicsforu.com/circuits/morecir.htm
1200 Professional Circuits
Let us not forget to tell you that there are 1200 plus circuits that
can be had on paying nominal fees
(US$ 2-5) for each.
See you there...
i) Click here to visit the 120 Free circuits' list
ii) Click here to visit the Circuit of the Month
iii) Click here to visit the 1200 Professional Circuits section
Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Before you buy.