vs. N2...skipping over the N3 glossed-up graphics and weak FFB
implementation and go right for the good stuff.
Unless the release version is substantially higher than 1.0, GP3 is a
colossal disappointment to me. It is not a horrible title, but it obviously
fails miserably to live up to even the hype of 2 years ago about it.
The graphics are OK...I am playing at 1280x1024 with all options on and they
are acceptable..nothing more.
The FFB is horrid...unless I am missing something. You have to fight the
wheel with exaggerated forces at some times and obvious forces are missing
completely at other times.
The sound is acceptable...a very small improvement over GP2.
I can't get split axis to work...beyond shocking that a so-called sim
wouldn't support this essential feature. However, I have discovered that
every other title that has had problems with split axis is because the
physics model isn't sophisticated enough to handle left-foot braking
anyway...but at least it saves the pain of having to change the controller
settings. The controls overall are disappointing. The car feels dead, the
steering is difficult to adjust and seems to prefer to rely on non-linear
trickery to mask an inherent problem.
The physics are a small improvement over GP2...again about the same level of
improvement that N3 had over N2. Kerb behaviour is wonky...cars drive like
they are on rails...spins are improved over GP2, however (no longer
canned)...but overall dynamic feel and performance is flat and unimpressive.
How much of this is the controller issues, I don't know.
AI...I have no idea...I can't even get the car to drive acceptably due to
poor steering and controller set-up. Why does every Papy title install and
set-up my controllers (I have had 3 different ones in the last 3 years)
without a hitch every time, but titles like RC2000, F12000 and now GP3 cause
such huge problems--like the developers of a racing title didn't realise
people would be using commonly available wheels to play their game with!?!?!
Damage model--relaxed beyond belief. Makes F12000 look like the sim of all
This really is a shockingly minor update to GP2.
I am running full frame rate with all aids off and on the highest skill
And to those who are concerned about warez...I own every title I use and
then some. I even purchased F12000 to goof around with after being not very
impressed with the warez version. I even bought OF1R for god's sake! I
would gladly pay double for high quality titles. I dare Hasbro to release a
demo of this title to go against a demo of F12000....they would be
slaughtered in the open (non-sim fanatic) market.
Which reminds me--the last Hasbro title I tried was SOS '37. Lets hope that
NASCAR Heat breaks the cycle!!!!
I had been so looking forward to GP3 that I cannot express the sadness and
frustration that I feel about waiting so long for so little? What were the
huge number of people in the credits doing all this time? Given the over
supply of F1 titles, I would have much rather waited another 6 months and
had a "N4" version to play with.
I will likely buy GP3 because I am reasonably well off and I am sim-freak
who gets most titles. But based on its merits, I would not purchase this
title. N3 at least had the major asset of online play capability to justify
its purchase.
Wow....what a disappointment.
-- Your mouse has moved. Windows must be restarted for the change
Marc Collins
to take effect. Reboot now?