N2, Win95 "blip"

J Huggin

N2, Win95 "blip"

by J Huggin » Thu, 10 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I finally started running N2 in Win95 instead of DOS (64 more meg of
ram, and rumors that N2 '98 is Windoze) but now I seem to have the
slightest "blip" at certain times in the game, most noticable when
exiting the corners at Bristol and there are cars ahead of me. My frame
rate is over 30 so its not a framerate thing. I installed the new '98
carshapes from "The Pits", I was wondering if it is a 3D-rendering
problem (trying to draw a "different" shape) or if its a Windows problem
(interupting the game to see if it needs anything). Any help is

P166 (ancient..huh)
Rendition V1000 (framerate saver)
80 meg ram (full race replays)
"0" background programs running
All graphics on , walls "auto", min/max 30, walls never go off

Thanks, JH

Paul Yukni

N2, Win95 "blip"

by Paul Yukni » Thu, 10 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Do u have MS office installed ? if so fastfind will cause this ........
disable it !

> I finally started running N2 in Win95 instead of DOS (64 more meg of
> ram, and rumors that N2 '98 is Windoze) but now I seem to have the
> slightest "blip" at certain times in the game, most noticable when
> exiting the corners at Bristol and there are cars ahead of me. My frame
> rate is over 30 so its not a framerate thing. I installed the new '98
> carshapes from "The Pits", I was wondering if it is a 3D-rendering
> problem (trying to draw a "different" shape) or if its a Windows problem
> (interupting the game to see if it needs anything). Any help is
> appreciated.

> P166 (ancient..huh)
> Rendition V1000 (framerate saver)
> 80 meg ram (full race replays)
> "0" background programs running
> All graphics on , walls "auto", min/max 30, walls never go off

> Thanks, JH

J Huggin

N2, Win95 "blip"

by J Huggin » Sun, 13 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I took fast-find out of the start-menu, is there another way to be sure
its disabled? "ctrl-alt-del" shows only "explorer" and "systray" active
when I start N2. I know Win95 hides stuff from me but I am trying to
kill all those non-mandatory programs.

> Do u have MS office installed ? if so fastfind will cause this ........
> disable it !

> > I finally started running N2 in Win95 instead of DOS (64 more meg of
> > ram, and rumors that N2 '98 is Windoze) but now I seem to have the
> > slightest "blip" at certain times in the game, most noticable when
> > exiting the corners at Bristol and there are cars ahead of me. My


N2, Win95 "blip"

by ymenar » Sun, 13 Sep 1998 04:00:00

J Huggins wrote

>I took fast-find out of the start-menu, is there another way to be sure
>its disabled? "ctrl-alt-del" shows only "explorer" and "systray" active
>when I start N2. I know Win95 hides stuff from me but I am trying to
>kill all those non-mandatory programs.

Ok.. this is more complicated than you might had expect ;)

Here is a list of a thread that was r.a.s. some time ago  (6/27) on how to
disable it. Im putting all the thread here mainly because It's pretty

Hi Sim Folks:

Ever wonder what's going on when Office 97 is either on
the desktop in the form of a tool bar, or in the task bar?

   Why isn't Office 97 just invisible, waiting with the rest
of your stuff in the start, or start/program bar?

   I wondered if this was a problem for demanding flight and racing sims.
   This is of no interest to you, don't bother with the following.

   What follows is my post on, and the

                            ---Hi WIN 95 Fans:
   I'm use my PC for Solaris development.
   I use WIN 95 to play games, and now, for Office 97 and Quickbooks.
   After installing Office 97, I see a new toolbar on my
screen.  I can minimize it to take a place on my task bar.
How do I make it go away, and just be one more choice on my
start or start/programs menu.  Will "Hide Toolbar" do what I'm looking for?
   I might be flaunting my ignorance, but I think of the
items in my task bar as representing programs that are
running, or in some way using my PC's resources.
   Because I use WIN 95 mostly for demanding flight and
racing sims, I don't want to have unnecessary tasks using my PC's resources.
   Am I worrying about nothing?

                         ---From: "GBV" <>
while there probably is an option to disable this from the program, whatI
di was to remove it from the startup folder. To do this: reight-click onthe
start button and choose "exlpore" then open start menu \programs\startupand
remove offcestart and fastdind                         ---
From: Brian Hayford <>
Easy Just Go To The Left Upper Corner Right Click And Go Exit
When It Says Do You Want Task on Startup Just Say No.

                         ---From: "Richard Ryan"
The office toolbar does, of course, use some resources, but it'sminimal.
Remove Office Shortcut Bar from your Startup Group if you don't want the
toolbar to appear.

And remove FastFind, if you don't want this constantly stealing
processor time and thrashing the disks just to track the files for
MS's pet applications.
And remove Office Fast Start, if you don't want half of Office loading
with Windows, on the off-chance you will want to use one of these pet
MS apps (apps load faster, Windows loads slower otherwise).
Then, after re-starting Windows, do a Ctrl-Alt-Del to check that these
oxygen thieves are not running; watch out for OSA.EXE, which is the
Office Assitant - yep, tends to run all the time in case you want help
on MS's pet apps.
Finally, you may prefer to trim those "New Office Document" and "Open
Office Document" off the top level of the Start Menu.  At this point,
apart from the "system folder" reserved for data files for these pet
applications (My Documents) you will have reduced MS Office to the
same status and behaviour as any other 3rd party application - so that
unless it is running, it is out of your face and using no processing
power or runtime resources.
Good citizenship can be bestowed on Office, but it's quite a bit of
work.  Fortunately, most apps do not behave in such a piggy way.

                               ---From: Surfer

>On Fri, 19 Jun 1998 20:36:04 -0400, "Richard Ryan"
><> wrote:>
>>The office toolbar does, of course, use some resources, but it's minimal.
>>Remove Office Shortcut Bar from your Startup Group if you don't want the
>>toolbar to appear.

IMHO the Office Toolbar is wonderful.  I have created my own toolbar
with the stuff I use most on it, and have it always on the RHS of my
screen.  Goodbye to most feretting through the 'Start' menu (like the
grief in finding Wordpad), and to minimising programs to get at the
desktop Icon.  You can drag & drop icons onto the Office97 toolbar as a
way of adding them.>
>And remove FastFind, if you don't want this constantly stealing
>processor time and thrashing the disks just to track the files for
>MS's pet applications.><good stuff snipped>

Also find & remove all 'mscreate.dir' directories.  They are left over
after you have run the installation and simply take up space to no
-- Surfer!

On Mon, 22 Jun 1998 10:23:48 +0100, Surfer

>In article <>,
>>On Fri, 19 Jun 1998 20:36:04 -0400, "Richard Ryan"
>>>The office toolbar does, of course, use some resources, but it's minimal.
>>>Remove Office Shortcut Bar from your Startup Group if you don't want the
>>>toolbar to appear.
>IMHO the Office Toolbar is wonderful.  I have created my own toolbar
>with the stuff I use most on it, and have it always on

I loved the toolbar in the Win3.1x days!  In fact, I'd already set
AppBar as my shellin Win3.1x, when Office 4 came out with a much nicer
one.  The first version didn't create buttons from application icons,
though, and you couldn't hide the stupid splash screen (OK, I've paid
for this thing, you can stop advertising now!!).
That all came right in Office 4.3 - but now in Windows 95 I haven't
found it as essential.  Of more concern is that it uses rather a lot
more memory and resources than one might expect.
>Also find & remove all 'mscreate.dir' directories.  They are left over
>after you have run the installation and simply take up space to no

Ah, yes, I'd forgotten about those.  They are only used by the
uninstaller, to determine whether the dir can be removed.

Hi Larry, There are several ways to do what you want! If you right-clickthe
end of the Office toolbar it will bring up the options menu, click exitto
close the bar. If you decide to disable the toolbar you can go intoWindows
Start to run your programs. If you want the toolbar back you can useExplorer
to find Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar, click it and the bar willrestart!
Hope this helps!                            ---

                            From: (Kirk Bubul)
If you mean that the Office toolbar appears every time you boot your
machine, and you don't want it to do so, use Explorer to go the
Windows|Start Menu|Programs|Startup.  That is the folder with the
shortcut icons for the programs that automatically run each time you
start Windows.  Delete the icons for Office-related programs like
Office Startup and Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar.  Once you have done
this the Office bar won't appear in future.  Since you have done
nothing to the Start Menu the icons for individual Office programs
will remain available to you.                     -------------------

From e-mail - with permission:From: Expert On 95 <> Larry
No Larry you aren't worrying to much.  Even the Office Shortcut bar
takes up resources! To remove the Office 97 Tool bar from your start up
screen do this: Right Click on the Start button and select: Open from
the menu. Next Double Left Click on the Programs Icon.  Next locate and
Double Left Click on the folder called: StartUp.  In that  folder do you
see an icon for Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar?  If so; then Right Click
on that icon and from the Menu Select: Delete.   The next time you start
your computer the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar will not appear!Eric--
The truth is incontrovertible.Panic may resent it; ignorance may
deride it; malice may distort it;but there it is.
                       Winston Churchill


- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard> Good race at the Brickyard!
- Official Mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
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