> Path: news.epix.net!news.sprintlink.net!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!usenet.eel.ufl.
> Newsgroups: alt.autos.rod-n-custom,alt.config,alt.motorcycles.harley,ca.driving,rec.aut
> Subject: Re: Cars that Get Stopped (was Re: Clinton Signed It!)
> Date: 10 Dec 1995 06:52:27 GMT
> Organization: Freedom Fighters HQ
> Lines: 13
> NNTP-Posting-Host: flowbee.interaccess.com
> X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
> Xref: news.epix.net alt.autos.rod-n-custom:11725 alt.config:95515 alt.motorcycles.harley:4361 ca.driving:24578 rec.autos.4x4:22635 rec.autos.antique:25869 rec.autos.driving:100688 rec.autos.misc:71970 rec.autos.rod-n-custom:19868 rec.autos.simulators:14830
> : I assume youve heard of Flossmour <sp?> where its illegal to park a truck
> : in open view, even if its your driveway? Also, locally there is a "no
> : cruising" ordinance in parts of town. Pass the same strip of pavement 3
> : times within 2 hours and its like a 500 dollar fine.
> This is true. In Flossmor, IL there is a law/ordinance/whatever that
> says you can't park your truck in front of your house, even in your
> driveway. And yes, we're talking about privately owned pickup trucks
> like the S10's, Rangers, C10's, Sierra's, etc etc we all know. And it's
> enforced.
Let me explain myself, then you will see where I am comming from.
I live in a small town in north eastern PA, 50% of the people here drive
pickups, my back yard, friends backyards, ect... all have old cars, parts,
stuff like that, (OK go ahead and start the Jeff Foxworthy redneck jokes),
like alot of people here my truck is my pride and joy. A friend and myself
have just about finished the restoration. Me parking my truck in my driveway,
or in front of my house is a way to show it off, I feal that what a person
drives says alot about a person. If I went somewhere and some one said I
can't drive and or park my truck there, I would take that as a very prejudice
insult. It would be like telling a biker that he can't drive his Harley in my
neighborhood, or telling my neighbor that he can't park HIS harley in HIS
driveway. Hell, if I made the kind of money that the people who think of
these laws made, I would probably buy my neighdor another bike or truck.
enough ratteling on I guess, hea??
Last I heard there was some kind of ammendment that allowed freedom of
expression. In my opinion this law is set out to make these residents buy
cars, or telling a construction worker that workes out of his truck and makes
an honest living that he can't work, and if you want to work you have to live
somewhere else.
My opinion: If you don't like me or anything I do that has no effect on you
I am not forcing you to be here. i.e. If you don't like me parking
my mint 1969 C20 in my driveway I am not forcing you to stay here.
But I guess if you make lots of money and want to live here, you can just make
a "donation" to the city and get what you want.
My final thought: They are going to pick on an honest law obiding citizen for
owning a pickup, but they arent as worried about them bastards out selling
*** to little kids. Which is more important to you?
I really hope you see my point here.
thank you for your time.
-Bob Meier-
proud puckup truck owner