Sure, this is off-topic...but having a lot of time on my hands and a
morbid curiosity concerning the seamier side of life, I just spent a
half-hour reading through the posts at Apex. Boys and girls, if you
think it's nuts in HERE, you ain't seen nothin' 'til you've read a few
threads over THERE. I honestly thought I'd already experienced the
lowest forms of subhuman life able to actually type on a keyboard (if
not exactly *write*), but I gotta say there are some folks spattin' over
at Apex who make me wonder about the future of the species. I'm
beginning to believe de-evolution may not only be possible, but actually
occuring, right here on the net.
If you ever need to brighten up your day, take a stroll on over there
and be amazed.
Bart Brown