Posted to, "rFactor, 2x widescreen". I have the
vertical FOV fixed at 36 deg. It's nice to be able to see what you're doing.
The peripheral vision motion cues are far more important that I would have
thought. I find a single monitor now to be unsatisfactory.
Horizontal span, dual 22" widescreens, 3360x1050x32.
The G25 cabling on desk allows the shifter pod on the left only. It's a nice
fit my my new love affair with rFactor's V8 Supercars. The TrackIR scanner
head is clamped to the top of the left monitor. The camera's red-eye/low
light focus strobe was playing havoc with it, this shot only shows the
straight ahead view. The screenshot doesn't really capture how the bezels
split the field of view. For the most part, a slight head movement is all
that's needed to get your "sight picture" onto either the left or right
monitor. It didn't take long to for this to become second nature. Granted, 3
monitors would be a definite improvement over 2.
> Can you post a pic of your computer/wheel/monitor setup? I'd really like
> to see it.
> rms
>> Perhaps not new to you, but new for me! :) rFactor, G25, V8 Supercar, and
>> Nurburgring. :) Now that's a hoot.
>> It took a while to get comfortable with the G25. I was also tinkering
>> with the TrackIR and horizontal span across two 22" widescreens. The
>> trick is to center the TIR while looking a little above the center of the
>> right screen. This made the head position more or less natural for the
>> "odd" wrong-hand driver seat. It took a couple of days to reacclimate,
>> but it really is the setup to have. Big grins over here. I found I could
>> double clutch clutchless by blipping as it passed through neutral. Very
>> ***ive. Great car, great track. Haven't had this much fun since the
>> first few days of GPL.
>> Later. Got a few laps to turn out.